Github Followers

Github Followers is the first 100% programmatic UI (no storyboard) app that I built. It was a lot of fun making Github Followers. I gained experience and knowledge with some of Apple’s cool frameworks and features.

Things I Learned

  • Properly handle image loading using Smalltalk MVC.
  • Support light & dark mode.
  • Setup empty state view for UICollectionView or UITableView.
  • Utilizing custom UICollectionViewFlowLayout to layout UICollectionView.
  • Layout UI programmatically without using storyboards.
  • Combine UISearchController and NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot to create a smooth animation while searching.

Technologies Used

  • DiffableDataSource, UserDefaults, Delegate
  • UIKit, SafariServices
  • Singleton, Factory, Smalltalk MVC, MVC



This is a take home project from Sean Allen.