Craft Commerce Currency Switcher

Switches the currency of a cart when fed an ISO currency using Twig rather than an Update Cart form.


Call the plugin with: {{ craft.currencySwitcher.switch('GBP') }} and it'll return the new payment currency code of the cart that you've just provided.

In my case, I'm using the Geo plugin from Luke Holder to get a user's country, creating some arrays to define what currencies to use for what countries, and then looking for a match (defaulting to GBP). Here;s my template code from an include I call at the top of my layout file:

  {% set euroCountries = [
  ] %}

  {% set usDollarCountries = [
  ] %}

  {% set canadianDollarCountries = [
  ] %}

  {% set australianDollarCountries = [
  ] %}

  {% set newZealandDollarCountries = [
  ] %}

  {% if in euroCountries %}
    {% set currency = 'EUR' %}

  {% elseif in usDollarCountries %}
    {% set currency = 'USD' %}

  {% elseif in canadianDollarCountries %}
    {% set currency = 'CAD' %}

  {% elseif in australianDollarCountries %}
    {% set currency = 'AUD' %}

  {% elseif in newZealandDollarCountries %}
    {% set currency = 'NZD' %}

  {% else %}
    {% set currency = 'GBP' %}

  {% endif %}

  {{ craft.currencySwitcher.switch(currency) }}