
A meta-repo for clj-commons discussions

clj-commons meta

This is a meta discussion repo for CLJ Commons issues. It's also the place to open an issue to suggest a project that CLJ Commons could adopt.

community discussions:


You can join the channel #clj-commons on the Clojurians Slack


ClojureVerse is a community forum for Clojure: feel free also to write topics related to CLJ Commons if you like this kind of communication.

What to do

If you use a project that's in need of tlc, please file an issue about it, so we can start working on transferring it to CLJ Commons.

If you'd like to help out maintaining any of the projects maintained by CLJ Commons, you can file an issue about that too.

If there's stuff you think CLJ Commons should be doing, but is not, guess what, you may very well file an issue for that.

General principles

  • Respect the wishes of maintainers - If CLJ Commons goes around forking lots of projects, that is bound to create ill-will in the community. The goal of this is not empire-building, it’s helping keep the Clojure ecosystem healthy.
  • Provide value to the community - There are lots of unmaintained Clojure projects that are not that important. There are also lots of old libraries which are just stable and run fine. We only have a limited amount of time and attention, we should focus it on places where we can provide the biggest improvements.

Entry Criteria

See accepting projects on our website.

Maintenance Criteria

See maintaining projects on our website.


clj-commons is a loosely formed organization which does not accept sponsorships on behalf of its maintainers. This does not mean that you cannot sponsor the maintainers directly if they accept sponsorship. Anotherway of contributing back to the community would be to sponsor Clojurists Together, allthough there is no guarantee that such a sponsorship would directly benefit clj-commons.