
devdiv artifacs for B2C

Primary LanguagePowerShell


devdiv artifacs for B2C


  • 1-begin - A sample to setup your B2C Identity Experience Framework environment via scripts
  • 2-first-change - Modify your B2C Policy to add KMSI (Keep-me-signed-in) and sign in with username/Loyality Number
  • 3-federation - A sample on how to configure federation with AzureAD
  • 4-groups - A sample to get group membership in the B2C tokens via REST APIs
  • 5-uxcustomization - A sample to illustrate how to do UX customizations
  • 6-migration - A sample to show how to perform migration to B2C
  • 7-graphapi - A sample to show how to create users, groups and set MFA via Microsoft Graph API
  • 8-devops - A sample to show how to deploy B2C Custom Policies with Azure DevOps