Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- R-Node is a web front-end to the statistical analysis package R. Using this front-end, you can from any web browser connect to an R instance running on a remote (or local) server, and interact with it, sending commands and receiving the responses. In particular, graphing commands such as plot() and hist() will execute in the browser, drawing the graph as an SVG image. The R-Node website is at: Author Contact ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jamie Love can be contacted by: email: Major Software Utilised ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This software would not be where it is today without a number of key technology projects that it uses. These are, in no particular order: * Functional Javascript Support for functional programming idioms when writing Javascript. - see * ExtJS ExtJS provides the windowing library widgets used for the interface. * Node.JS - An events based I/O library and execution environment for V8 Javascript (, the Google Chrome javascript engine). This provides an exceedingly easy environment to develop the server componentry in for R-Node. * Protovis - Protovis provides an excellent graphing API, allowing the graphical commands of R to be effectively implemented in the browser. * Rserve - This is a binary server that allows communication over tcp/ip with a running R instance. It is used by the R-Node server componentry to communicate with R. * R - * SHJS Syntax highlighting for R code, used in the client application. Each of these projects has their own licensing, as mentioned below. The R-Node code itself is covered by a number of licenses due to the use of these projects as libraries and in some cases as code embedded within R-Node. Licenses ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functional Javascript Licenced under the MIT license. * ExtJS ExtJS 3 is licensed under the GNU GPL license v3 license, as mentioned here: * Node.JS BSD license. R-Node uses the Node.JS software to execute its server side component, but does not alter the source at all. All Node.JS source can be retreived from * Protovis BSD license. R-Node uses protovis but (currently) does not alter the source code. The standard minified protovis library is included for installation simplicity. All source can be retrieved from * Rserve R-Node connects to Rserve over TCP/IP, and assumes that Rserver is installed and running already on the system. Some Rserve example code has been used in creating the server library for connecting to Rserve (see server/src/include), and this is This code is distributed originally under the GNU LGPL, and continues to be so here. * R-Node R-Node itself is covered by the license as described in the LICENSE file. * SHJS SHJS uses the GPLv3.