Swift unidirectional data flow inspired by redux.
Define your application state,
struct AppState {
var count = 0
the list of actions that could be done,
enum CounterAction: Action {
case increment
case decrement
and how they impact the application state.
let counterReducer = Reducer<Int> { state, action in
switch action {
case CounterAction.increment: state += 1
case CounterAction.decrement: state -= 1
default: break
Then initialize the application store,
let store = Store<AppState>(
initialState: AppState(),
reducer: counterReducer.lift(\.count)
subscribe any application state key path to be notified of state changes (make sure to keep reference to the token because its deallocation stop subscription).
let token = store.subscribe(\.count) { print($0) }
Now dispatch
actions to mutate application state and use your subscription to state changes to update your UI, ...
Application state must be a value type because Swidux store rely on didSet
observer to notify subscribers of state changes.
Reducers use (inout State, Action) -> Void
signature (instead of (State, Action) -> State
) to improve performances and avoid lot of State
Middlewares allow to extend swidux architecture. They they are able to act before and after reducers and could be used to handle a wide variety of problems like logging, handling asynchronous actions, ...
Internaly, each middle get a dispatch function as parameter (plus the store to be able to get state) and return a wrapped one which will be used by the next middleware and finally by the swidux store.
Because of this you should take care of the order of the middlewares. A middleware could, for example, decide to don't propagate certain actions to the dispacth function (perhaps because these actions are only useful for its operation). If your middlewares contain a logger, these actions will be logged or not according to the order of the middlewares.
Add the following dependency to your Cartfile
github "clmntcrl/swidux" ~> 1.0
Add the following pod to your Podfile
pod 'Swidux', '~> 1.0'
Add the package as dependency in your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/clmntcrl/swidux.git", from: "1.0.0"),
Swidux is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.