
A simple tool to iterate center coordinates within given boundaries

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


iterates the planet.

A simple tool to iterate coordinates within given boundaries such as country boundary. The usage is mostly for querying/searching by location at for example ebay.com or zillow.com

Let's say Germany has in sum 5000 houses to sell. Then most platforms will only allow you to visit or request the first 200 houses. Now to get the others, you need to dissect the big boundary area into smaller ones. And this is where geoiter provides you with coordinates.

geoiter can be used for web scraping to utilize geo/location queries:

In many cases the web page restrict the result items to a fixed number. With geoiter you can now dissect this one query to a many location queries to relax the result density under the restriction limit.

geoiter has only one additional dependency called haversine.


pip install geoiter


import pickle

from geoiter.util.ressource_example import germany
from geoiter import GeoIter

# get you boundary for example
with open(germany, "rb") as file:
    germany = pickle.load(file)

# prepare
gi = GeoIter(

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # plot them as example
    for coordinate in gi:


one may consider that geo data have megabytes of coordinates. Which may make the iteration very slow, because it needs to look up coordinates in the boundary often. To accelerate the geoiter provides a very simple compressor and uses bisect instead of list iteration. However, it still can be slow.


There two extensions which give additional help

pip install geoiter["gpx]

provides you with an gpx exporter.

pip install geoiter["plot"]

provides a plotting function to visualize the grid.


get boundaries from osm or others sources like


  • SRP for compressor
  • Make own haversine calculation for fixed directions.
