

This project embeds the GeoWebCache ( server into an OSGi bundle that can be run on an OSGi 4.2+ container.

When deployed in an OSGi container, all the normal GeoWebCache functions are available including:

  • WMS/WMTS endpoints (/geowebcache/service)
  • RESTful webservices for GeoWebCache configuration (/geowebcache/rest)
  • Caching of tiles
  • Seeding of tiles


What you need

  • Install J2SE 8 SDK.
  • Make sure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the newly installed JDK location, and that your PATH includes %JAVA_HOME%\bin (Windows) or $JAVA_HOME$/bin (*NIX).
  • Install Maven 3.0.3 (or later). Make sure that your PATH includes the MVN_HOME/bin directory.
  • Set the MAVEN_OPTS variable with the appropriate memory settings

How to build

git clone git://

Change to the top level directory of geowebcache-osgi source distribution.

mvn install


Spring Security Config

WEB-INF/acegi-config.xml was modified to

  • allow anonymous access to GWC REST services
  • allow anonymous access to POST/PUT/DELETE operations on GWC services This assumes other security components are present in the OSGi container to control access to GWC paths if needed.

Layer configuration

WEB-INF/geowebcache-core-context.xml was modified to set the XML configuration directory to the karaf etc directory.
This can easily modified for other OSGi containers.