
MERN Stack project that incorporates OAuth and Controlled Access depending on user's assigned level.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Member Roles and Permissions

MERN Stack project that incorporates OAuth and Controlled Access depending on user's assigned level.

Role Definitions

Role types - Project members, Project Managers, and Project Admins. 3 different permission levels, but requires scalability to add more roles and responsibilities.

  • Project Members: can clock in their time, and view the roster

  • Project Managers: view/edit roster, limited editing of the project

  • Project Admins: Full read/write of the project


Members are a potential many to many(few) relationship with projects.. projects will have many members, members may be a part of one or more..
Project Managers - few to many - Each project may have 1 or more project managers.
Because there various projects, roles must also state what project they belong to:
User { affiliations: [ '1:member' ] //projectID:role }