
Enables URL rewriting for Magento's admin which removes "index.php".

Primary LanguagePHP

Admin Rewrites allows you to enable URL rewriting for Magento's admin if the server supports it.

This means URLs that look like this:


Can now look like this instead:


Beware! Incorrect use could lock you out of admin and left unable to reverse the setting. Should this happen you can still reach the Connect Manager by typing it's address directly:


To install, get your extension key from the Connect Marketplace or composer users can enter this command:

composer config repositories.firegento composer http://packages.firegento.com
composer require clockworkgeek/admin-rewrites

If you wish to edit this code then copy these files to an installed Magento directory, the package XML file is included so it will be available from System > Magento Connect > Package Extensions > Load Local Package. You can then update and re-package as necessary.