
Build "Connect 2.0" packages from Git tags and composer.json files.

Primary LanguagePHP


Inspired by Alan Storm's TarToConnect, automatically builds Connect 2.0 packages from Git tags and composer.json files.


Perhaps the most useful way to install is globally:

composer global config repositories.tag-to-connect vcs https://github.com/clockworkgeek/MagentoTagToConnect.git
composer global config repositories.firegento composer https://packages.firegento.com
composer global require clockworkgeek/tag-to-connect:@stable

If you have not installed packages globally before you will probably have to add $COMPOSER_HOME/vendor/bin to the $PATH variable.


Assuming a typical workflow where you are publishing an extension to Firegento repository and tagging the project with version numbers... TagToConnect needs to know the name of the package and the relevant tag to use. e.g. from the project directory type:

$ tag-to-connect Clockworkgeek_Example v1.0.0
Packaging var/connect/Clockworkgeek_Example-1.0.0.tgz...

The finished package is now ready to be uploaded to Magento Connect marketplace, or directly to the Connect Manager on your site.

If a modman file is present it is used to map filenames to the archive. Author information is extracted from the composer.json file in the specified tag so be certain to commit it. Magento Connect also requires authors have a registered username on www.magentocommerce.com, TagToConnect will default to the first part of any email address but you can also specify it in composer.json if necessary:

    "authors": [
            "name": "Your name here",
            "email": "your.name@example.com",
            "user": "alternate_username"