
Secure and fast container for your Magento site

Primary LanguageNginx

Docker for Magento

Built on webdevops/hhvm-nginx for speed and stability. Has useful extras like cron and supervisord. Specifically designed for securely serving Magento sites.

Setting up

Configure your site in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ like this:

server {
    server_name        yoursite.com;
    root               /var/www;
    include            magento_server;
    set $mage_run_code "default";
    set $mage_run_type "website";

The variables $mage_run_code and $mage_run_type are passed to Magento as environment variables. Use this to control frontend stores instead of hacking index.php. For development sites it is possible to add set $mage_is_developer_mode true; as well, this will stop on any error and print in full. Add another configuration for each frontend store.

Copy your project files to the server root, /var/www in this example. Instead of copying you could mount project files as a data volume, this means a smaller image and changes are preserved too.


Add an executable file to /etc/cron.d/ like this:

* * * * * application /var/www/cron.sh


Mail is a work in progress.

A word about security

The magento_server file used above forbids all files, then whitelists only those which are expressly needed. Currently those include just js, media, and skin directories.

To allow a path it only needs a location block. For instance, if you want a custom error skin then add this to your server block:

location /errors/custom/css/ {}
location /errors/custom/images/ {}

(Error skins are enabled in errors/design.xml)