
Official Python client library for LinkedIn APIs

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

LinkedIn API Python Client


This library provides a thin Python client for making requests to LinkedIn APIs, utilizing the Python requests HTTP client library. LinkedIn's APIs are built on the Rest.li framework with additional LinkedIn-specific constraints, which results in a robust yet complex protocol that can be challenging to implement correctly.

This library helps reduce this complexity by formatting requests correctly, providing proper request headers, and providing interfaces to develop against for responses. The library also provides an auth client for inspecting, generating, and refreshing access tokens, along with other helpful utilities.

⚠️ This API client library is currently in beta and is subject to change. It may contain bugs, errors, or other issues that we are working to resolve. Use of this library is at your own risk. Please use caution when using it in production environments and be prepared for the possibility of unexpected behavior. We welcome any feedback or reports of issues that you may encounter while using this library.


  • Generic support for all Rest.li methods used in LinkedIn APIs
  • Supports Rest.li protocol version 2.0.0
  • Provide interfaces for request options/response payloads
  • Built-in parameter encoding
  • Utilities (e.g. URN handling, encoding)
  • Supports versioned APIs
  • Automatic query tunneling of requests
  • 2-legged and 3-legged OAuth2 support

Table of Contents


  • Python >= 3.7


pip install linkedin-api-client

Getting Started


  1. Create or use an existing developer application from the LinkedIn Developer Portal
  2. Request access to the Sign In With LinkedIn API product. This is a self-serve product that will be provisioned immediately to your application.
  3. Generate a 3-legged access token using the Developer Portal token generator tool, selecting the r_liteprofile scope.

Simple API Request Example

Here is an example of using the client to make a simple GET request to fetch the current user's information. This requires a 3-legged access token with the "openid" and "profile" scope, which is included with the Sign In With LinkedIn using OpenID Connect API product.

from linkedin_api.clients.restli.client import RestliClient

restli_client = RestliClient()

response = restli_client.get(

Finder Request Example

Here is a more non-trivial example to find ad accounts by some search criteria. This requires a 3-legged access token with the "r_ads" scope, which is included with the Advertising APIs product.

The "search" query parameter in this case is not a primitive, but a complex object, which we represent as a dictionary. The client will handle the correct URL-encoding. This is a versioned API call, so we also need to provide the version string in the "YYYYMM" format.

from linkedin_api.clients.restli.client import RestliClient

restli_client = RestliClient()

response = restli_client.finder(
    "search": {
      "status": {
        "values": ["ACTIVE", "DRAFT"]
      "reference": {
        "values": ["urn:li:organization:123"]
      "test": True
ad_accounts = response.elements

More Examples

There are more examples of using the client in /examples directory.

API Reference

class RestliClient

The Rest.li API client defines instance methods for all the Rest.li methods which are used by LinkedIn APIs. All calls are blocking.

Rest.li defines a standard set of methods that can operate on a resource, each of which maps to an HTTP method. Depending on the resource, some Rest.li methods are not applicable or not implemented. Read the API docs to determine what Rest.li method is applicable and the relevant request parameters.


An instance of the API client must be created before using. This creates a session object that will be used for making all subsequent requests.

from linkedin_api.clients.restli.client import RestliClient

restli_client = RestliClient()

The Requests library session object is accessible to configure any additional global settings (e.g. configuring event hooks).

restli_client.session.hooks = { 'response': [do_something_fn, do_something_2_fn] }


Property Description
session The session object used for making http requests. This is exposed to allow for additional configuration (e.g. adding custom request/response event hooks).


Base Request Parameters

All Rest.li request methods of the API client support the following request parameters:

Parameter Type Required? Description
resource_path str Yes

The resource path after the base URL, beginning with a forward slash. If the path contains keys, add curly-brace placeholders for the keys and specify the path key-value map in the path_keys argument.


  • resource_path="/me"
  • resource_path="/adAccounts/{id}"
  • resource_path="/socialActions/{actionUrn}/comments/{commentId}"
  • resource_path="/campaignConversions/{key}
access_token str Yes The access token that should provide the application access to the specified API
path_keys Dict[str,Any] No

If there are path keys that are part of the resource_path argument, the key placeholders must be specified in the provided path_keys map. The path key values can be strings, numbers, or objects (dictionaries), and these will be properly encoded.


  • path_keys={"id": 123"}
  • path_keys={"actionUrn":"urn:li:share:123","commentId":987}
  • path_keys={"key": {"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123", "conversion": "urn:lla:llaPartnerConversion:456"}}

query_params Dict[str,Any] No A map of query parameters. The query parameter values (strings, lists, objects) will be correctly encoded by this method, so these should not be encoded.
version_string str No An optional version string of the format "YYYYMM" or "YYYYMM.RR". If specified, the version header will be passed and the request will use the versioned APIs base URL
get (resource_path, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li GET request to fetch the specified entity on a resource. This method will perform query tunneling if necessary.


This method only uses the base request parameters defined above.

Return value:

Returns GetResponse object


response = restli_client.get(
  path_keys={ "id": 123 },
  query_params={ "fields": "id,name" }
ad_account = response.entity
batch_get (resource_path, ids, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li BATCH_GET request to fetch multiple entities on a resource. This method will perform query tunneling if necessary.


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
ids List[Union[str,int,Dict[str,Any]]] Yes The list of entity ids to fetch on the resource. These will be encoded and added to the query parameters.

Return value:

Returns a BatchGetResponse object.


response = restli_client.batch_get(
  ids=[123, 456, 789],
campaign_groups = response.results.items()
get_all (resource_path, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li GET_ALL request to fetch all entities on a resource.


This method only uses the base request parameters defined above.

Return value:

Returns CollectionResponse object


response = restli_client.get_all(
    "start": 0,
    "count": 15
fields_of_study = response.elements
total = response.paging.total
finder (resource_path, finder_name, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li FINDER request to find entities by some specified criteria.


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
finder_name str Yes The Rest.li finder name. This will be added to the request query parameters.

Return value:

Returns a CollectionResponse object.


response = restli_client.finder(
    "search": {
        "status": {
            "values": ["ACTIVE", "DRAFT", "CANCELED"]
        "reference": {
            "values": ["urn:li:organization:123"]
        "test": False
    "start": 0,
    "count": 5
ad_accounts = response.elements
total = response.paging.total
batch_finder (resource_path, finder_name, finder_criteria, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li BATCH_FINDER request to find entities by multiple sets of criteria.


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
finder_name str Yes The Rest.li batch finder name (the value of the "bq" query parameter). This will be added to the request query parameters.
finder_criteria Tuple[str, List[Dict[str,Any]]] Yes The required batch finder criteria information. This is a tuple with the first value being the batch finder criteria parameter name. The second value is the list of finder param objects. The batch finder results are correspondingly ordered according to this list. The batch finder criteria will be encoded and added to the request query parameters.

Return value:

Returns a BatchFinderResponse object.


response = restli_client.batch_finder(
  finder_criteria=("authorizationActions", [
        "OrganizationRoleAuthorizationAction": {
          actionType: "ADMINISTRATOR_READ"
        "OrganizationContentAuthorizationAction": {
          actionType: "ORGANIC_SHARE_DELETE"
admin_read_authorizations = response.results[0].elements
organic_share_delete_authorizations = response.results[1].elements
create (resource_path, entity, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li CREATE request to create a new resource entity.


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
entity Dict[str,Any] Yes A dictionary representation of the entity to create

Return value:

Returns a CreateResponse object.


response = restli_client.create(
    "name": "Test Ad Account",
    "type": "BUSINESS",
    "test": True
created_entity_id = response.entity_id
batch_create (resource_path, entities, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li BATCH_CREATE request to create multiple entities in a single call.


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
entities List[Dict[str,Any]] Yes A list of entities to create

Return value:

Returns a BatchCreateResponse object.


response = restli_client.batch_create(
        account: 'urn:li:sponsoredAccount:111',
        name: 'CampaignGroupTest1',
        status: 'DRAFT'
        account: 'urn:li:sponsoredAccount:222',
        name: 'CampaignGroupTest2',
        status: 'DRAFT'
created_elements = response.elements
first_created_element_id = response.elements[0].id
update (resource_path, entity, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li UPDATE request to update an entity (overwriting the entity with the provided value).


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
entity Dict[str,Any] Yes The value of the updated entity. This will completely overwrite the entity.

Return value:

Returns a UpdateResponse object.


response = restli_client.update(
    "id": {
      "account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:123",
      "user": "urn:li:person:foobar"
  entity: {
    "account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:123",
    "user": "urn:li:person:foobar",
    "role": "VIEWER"
status = response.status_code
batch_update (resource_path, ids, entities, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li BATCH_UPDATE request to update multiple entities in a single call.


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
ids List[Union[str,int,Dict[str,Any]]] Yes The ids of the entities to update
entities List[Dict[str,Any]] Yes The values to update the specified entities to. This should be the same order as the ids argument.

Return value:

Returns a BatchUpdateResponse object.


response = restli_client.batch_update(
    { "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123", "conversion": "urn:lla:llaPartnerConversion:456" },
    { "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123", "conversion": "urn:lla:llaPartnerConversion:789" }
    { "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123", "conversion": "urn:lla:llaPartnerConversion:456" },
    { "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123", "conversion": "urn:lla:llaPartnerConversion:789" }
batch_results = response.results.items()
partial_update (resource_path, patch_set_object, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li PARTIAL_UPDATE request to update part of an entity. Directly specify the patch object to send in the request.

Note: While the Rest.li protocol supports very granular patch objects with setting and deletion of nested properties, most LinkedIn APIs only support partial update on the top-level fields of an entity.


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
patch_set_object Dict[str,Any] Yes The value of the entity with only the modified fields present. This will be sent directly in the request body as patch: { $set: patch_set_object }.

Return value:

Returns a UpdateResponse object.


response = restli_client.partial_update(
  path_keys={ "id": 123 },
  patch_set_object: {
    "name": "TestAdAccountModified",
    "reference": "urn:li:organization:456"
status = response.status_code
batch_partial_update (resource_path, ids, patch_set_objects, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li BATCH_PARTIAL_UPDATE request to update multiple entities at once, by only providing the fields of the entities that require updating.


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
ids List[Union[str,int,Dict[str,Any]]] Yes The list of entity ids to update. These will be encoded and added to the query parameters.
patch_set_objects List[Dict[str,Any]] Yes The list of entity values, represented as a dictionary, with only the modified fields present.

Return value:

Returns a BatchUpdateResponse object.


response = restli_client.batch_partial_update(
  ids=["123", "456"],
  patch_set_objects: [
    { "status": "ACTIVE" },
      "runSchedule": {
        "start": 1678029270721,
        "end": 1679029270721
result_status = response.results["123"].status
delete (resource_path, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li DELETE request to delete an entity.


This method only uses the base request parameters defined above.

Return value:

Returns BaseRestliResponse object


response = restli_client.delete(
  path_keys={ "id": 123 },
status_code = response.status_code
batch_delete (resource_path, ids, access_token, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li BATCH_DELETE request to delete multiple entities at once.


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
ids List[Union[str,int,Dict[str,Any]]] Yes The list of entity ids to delete. These will be encoded and added to the query parameters.

Return value:

Returns BatchDeleteResponse object


response = restli_client.batch_delete(
  ids=["123", "456"],
status_code = response.results["123"].status
action (resource_path, action_name, access_token, action_params=None, path_keys=None, query_params=None, version_string=None)

Makes a Rest.li ACTION request to perform an action on a specified resource. This method is flexible and generally used when the action does not fit within the standard behavior defined by the other Rest.li methods.


The additional parameters besides the base request parameters are:

Parameter Type Required? Description
action_name str Yes The action method name. This will be added to the query parameters.
action_params Dict[str,Any] No An optional map of action parameters and their values. This will be sent in the request body.

Return value:

Returns ActionResponse object


response = restli_client.action(
    "registerLiveEventRequest": {
      "owner": "urn:li:person:12345",
      "recipes": ["urn:li:digitalmediaRecipe:feedshare-live-video"],
      "region": "WEST_US"
status_code = response.status_code

Response Classes

class BaseRestliResponse

All Rest.li request methods of the API client return a response object subclassed from BaseRestliResponse, containing standard response data, along with the original, raw response object.

Properties Type Description
status_code int Response status code
url str The final URL location of the response
headers CaseInsensitiveDict A case-insensitive dictionary of response headers
response Response The raw requests.Response object
class Paging

Paging metadata class

Properties Type Description
start int The start index of returned results (zero-based index)
count int The number of results returned in the response
total int The total number of results available
class GetResponse

Base class: BaseRestliResponse

Properties Type Description
entity Union[Dict[str,Any], str, int, bool] The representation (typically a dictionary) of the retrieved entity, decoded from the json-encoded response content
class BatchGetResponse

Base class: BaseRestliResponse

Properties Type Description
results Dict[str,Any] A map of entities that were successfully retrieved, with the key being the encoded entity id, and the value being a dictionary representing the entity
statuses Dict[str,int] A map of entities and status code, with the key being the encoded entity id, and the value being the status code number value.
errors Dict[str,Any] A map containing entities that could not be successfully fetched, with the key being the encoded entity id, and the value being the error response.
class CollectionResponse

Base class: BaseRestliResponse

Properties Type Description
elements List[Dict[str,Any]] The list of entities returned in the response
paging Paging Optional paging metadata object
metadata Any Optional response metadata object
class BatchFinderResponse

Base class: BaseRestliResponse

Properties Type Description
results List[BatchFinderResult] The list of finder results, in the same order as the requested batch finder search criteria list
class BatchFinderResult
Properties Type Description
elements List[Dict[str,Any]] The list of entities found for the corresponding finder criteria
paging Paging Optional paging metadata object
metadata Any Optional response metadata object
error Any Optional error details if finder call failed
isError bool Flag if this finder call experienced an error
class CreateResponse

Base class: BaseRestliResponse

Properties Type Description
entity_id str The reduced-encoded entity id.
decoded_entity_id Union[str, Dict[str,Any]] The decoded entity id.
entity Dict[str,Any] Optional created entity. Some APIs support returning the created entity to eliminate the need for a subsequent GET call.
class BatchCreateResponse

Base class: BaseRestliResponse

Properties Type Description
elements List[BatchCreateResult] The list of batch create results, corresponding to the order of the entities request parameter
class BatchCreateResult
Properties Type Description
status int The status code of the individual create call
id str The id of the created entity
error Any Error details if the create call experienced an error
class UpdateResponse

Base class: BaseRestliResponse

Properties Type Description
entity Dict[str,Any] Optional entity after the update. Some APIs support returning the updated entity to eliminate the need for a subsequent GET call.
class BatchUpdateResponse

Base class: BaseRestliResponse

Properties Type Description
results Dict[str,BatchUpdateResult] The results map where the keys are the encoded entity ids, and the values are the individual update call results, which includes the status code.
class BatchUpdateResult
Properties Type Description
status int The status code of the individual update call
class BatchDeleteResponse

Base class: BaseRestliResponse

Properties Type Description
results Dict[str,BatchDeleteResult] The results map where the keys are the encoded entity ids, and the values are the individual delete call results, which includes the status code.
class BatchDeleteResult
Properties Type Description
status int The status code of the delete call
class ActionResponse

Base class: BaseRestliResponse

Properties Type Description
value Any The action response value

class AuthClient

While we recommend using any of several popular, open-source libraries for robustly managing OAuth 2.0 authentication, we provide a basic Auth Client as a convenience for testing APIs and getting started.


from linkedin_api.clients.auth.client import AuthClient

auth_client = AuthClient(client_id=MY_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=MY_CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_url=MY_REDIRECT_URL)
Parameter Type Required? Description
client_id str Yes Client ID of your developer application. This can be found on your application auth settings page in the Developer Portal.
client_secret str Yes Client secret of your developer application. This can be found on your application auth settings page in the Developer Portal.
redirect_url str No If your integration will be using the authorization code flow to obtain 3-legged access tokens, this should be provided. This redirect URL must match one of the redirect URLs configured in the app auth settings page in the Developer Portal.


Property Description
session The session object used for making http requests. This is exposed to allow for additional configuration (e.g. adding custom request/response event hooks).


generate_member_auth_url (scopes, state=None)

Generates the member authorization URL to direct members to. Once redirected, the member will be presented with LinkedIn's OAuth consent page showing the OAuth scopes your application is requesting on behalf of the user.


Parameter Type Required? Description
scopes List[str] Yes An array of OAuth scopes (3-legged member permissions) your application is requesting on behalf of the user.
state str No An optional string that can be provided to test against CSRF attacks.

Return value:

The member authorization URL string

exchange_auth_code_for_access_token (code)

Exchanges an authorization code for a 3-legged access token. After member authorization, the browser redirects to the provided redirect URL, setting the authorization code on the code query parameter.


Parameter Type Required? Description
code str Yes The authorization code to exchange for an access token

Return value:

Returns an AccessToken3LResponse object

exchange_refresh_token_for_access_token (refresh_token)

Exchanges a refresh token for a new 3-legged access token. This allows access tokens to be refreshed without having the member reauthorize your application.


Parameter Type Required? Description
refresh_token str Yes The authorization code to exchange for an access token

Return value:

Returns a RefreshTokenExchangeResponse object

get_two_legged_access_token ()

Use client credential flow (2-legged OAuth) to retrieve a 2-legged access token for accessing APIs that are not member-specific. Developer applications do not have the client credential flow enabled by default.



Return value:

Returns an AccessToken2LResponse object

introspect_access_token (access_token)

Introspect a 2-legged, 3-legged or Enterprise access token to get information on status, expiry, and other details.


Parameter Type Required? Description
access_token str Yes A 2-legged, 3-legged or Enterprise access token.

Return value:

Returns an IntrospectTokenResponse object

Response Classes

class BaseAuthResponse

All request methods of the AuthClient return a response object subclassed from BaseAuthResponse, containing standard response data, along with the original, raw response object.

Properties Type Description
status_code int Response status code
url str The final URL location of the response
headers CaseInsensitiveDict A case-insensitive dictionary of response headers
response Response The raw requests.Response object
class AccessToken3LResponse

Base class: BaseAuthResponse

Properties Type Description
access_token str The 3-legged access token
expires_in int The TTL of the access token, in seconds
refresh_token str The refresh token value. This is only present if refresh tokens are enabled for the application.
refresh_token_expires_in Number The TTL of the refresh token, in seconds. This is only present if refresh tokens are enabled for the application.
scope str A comma-separated list of scopes authorized by the member (e.g. "r_liteprofile,r_ads")
class AccessToken2LResponse

Base class: BaseAuthResponse

Properties Type Description
access_token str The 2-legged access token
expires_in int The TTL of the access token, in seconds
class RefreshTokenExchangeResponse

Base class: BaseAuthResponse

Properties Type Description
access_token str The 3-legged access token
expires_in int The TTL of the access token, in seconds
refresh_token str The refresh token value. This is only present if refresh tokens are enabled for the application.
refresh_token_expires_in Number The TTL of the refresh token, in seconds. This is only present if refresh tokens are enabled for the application.
class IntrospectTokenResponse

Base class: BaseAuthResponse

Properties Type Description
active str Flag whether the token is a valid, active token.
auth_type str The auth type of the token ("2L", "3L" or "Enterprise_User")
authorized_at str Epoch time in seconds, indicating when the token was authorize
client_id str Developer application client ID
created_at int Epoch time in seconds, indicating when this token was originally issued
expires_at int Epoch time in seconds, indicating when this token will expire
scope str A string containing a comma-separated list of scopes associated with this token. This is only returned for 3-legged member tokens.
status str The token status, which is an enum string with values "revoked", "expired" or "active"

List of dependencies

The following table is a list of production dependencies.

Component Name License Linked Modified
requests Apache 2.0 Static No