
A native Erlang build tool

Primary LanguageErlang

merlke - A native Erlang build tool

Merlke is a command line build tool that aims to automate common Erlang build tasks. It's a dependency build language in the vein of Make but is written in Erlang to provide nicer hooks into built-in Erlang modules.




Then put scripts/merlke in your PATH

I also highly recommend installing Markdown if you want to be able to translate README.md files into EDoc overviews.


Assuming you follow the standard Erlang file conventions, you can just run:

merlke task1 [task2 [task3 [...]]]

Standard directory structure

doc/      -> generated edocs directory   (edoc_dir/0)
ebin/     -> .beam directory             (ebin_dir/0)
src/      -> module source directory     (src_dir/0)
src/*.erl -> module source files         (modules/0)
*.app     -> application files
*.xrl     -> leex files
*.yrl     -> yecc files 

To override a directory convention, implement the callback in parenthesis in a module called merlkefile.erl in your project's base directory.


  • clean
  • compile
  • generate
  • edoc
  • dialyzer (not yet implemented)
  • test
  • start
  • dist (not yet implemented)

Task dependencies

start   -> test
test    -> compile
compile -> generate
dist    -> test, edoc

Sample merlkefile.erl

Merlke will work fine without a merlkefile, but if you want to override the standard files, you can do so by export certain callbacks:

-export([src_dir/0, ebin_dir/0, edoc_dir/0, modules/0]).

src_dir() -> "src".
ebin_dir() -> "ebin".
edoc_dir() -> "doc".
modules() -> 
    {ok, Filenames} = file:list_dir(src_dir()),