- 0x-r4bbit@status-im
- bauglir@JuliaComputing
- bbrodriges@edadeal
- cchacinAmazon
- compressedFrostly LLC ❅
- dmalikov
- farnoy
- guersamSeoul, South Korea
- h2nonDissident
- jairojair@jusbrasil
- jakejscottserverless, rust, aws, react, typescript, dotnet
- jgillich
- jodoshaBackend Architect at @toptal
- jtietemaAmsterdam, Netherlands
- JustAPerson@hudson-trading
- kbknapp@seaplane-io
- kimar@Bearologics
- KokaKiwi@edgee-cloud
- leonardiniusRiga, Latvia
- msiemensVivavis AG
- mystalSan Francisco, CA
- oaleynikCloudSpot
- orclevFlorida
- PaulNendickNTC Ltd
- rodrigoeg
- RydgelFrance
- sente
- shanewilsonToronto
- srijsBerlin, Germany
- stephankaagAlkmaar, The Netherlands
- tak1nBackend & DevOps Engineer @Onlim
- thehydroimpulseIn a dream; flying the skies
- usommerlDresden, Germany
- yetone@BentoML
- yuukiSAKURA internet Inc.
- z2s8