
Example starter for elm-spa with Lamdera (WIP)

Primary LanguageElm

How it works

This starter application is built with:

  • elm-spa, a friendly tool for building SPAs with Elm!
  • Lamdera, a delightful platform for full-stack web apps

It demonstrates how to get started with elm-spa on Lamdera.

For a full fledged application, check out the lamdera-realworld repo.

With elm-ui

If you'd like to use elm-ui, use the elm-ui branch or check out the elm-ui commit diff for the adjustments.


elm-spa requires the latest LTS version of Node.js

npm install -g elm elm-spa

You can get the lamdera binary from here.

Running locally

Clone the project and boot the Lamdera local dev environment:

git clone git@github.com:lamdera/elm-spa-lamdera.git
cd elm-spa-lamdera
lamdera reset

For any elm-spa changes, such as vendoring one of the .elm-spa defaults, re-run elm-spa make.

Note: the .elm-spa folder currently needs to be committed to successfully deploy, as Lamdera doesn't run elm-spa build commands.

See Getting Started if you're new to Lamdera.

Other elm-spa commands

elm-spa add    # add a new page to the application
elm-spa build  # production build
elm-spa watch  # runs build as you code (without the server)

Learn more

You can learn more about elm-spa at elm-spa.dev.

You can learn more about lamdera at https://dashboard.lamdera.app/.