
Shortcut template for creating lein-droid projects.

Primary LanguageClojure

Lein-droid “lein new” template

This small wrapper allows to create new lein-droid projects without having lein-droid in the :plugins list in profiles.clj. It downloads the latest version of lein-droid and passes the arguments to lein droid new. Once the project is created, it will already have lein-droid in :plugins, so you won’t have to add that line manually neither in project.clj, nor in profiles.clj.

Usage example:

lein new droid my-app com.company.myapp :app-name MyApplication :target-sdk 18

It is equivalent to calling lein droid new with the same arguments.

You can also do lein new droid :init as a substitute for lein droid init.


Copyright © 2015 Alexander Yakushev. Distributed under Eclipse Public License, same as lein-droid, see COPYING.