
Resources and threads about learning Clojure & ClojureScript

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Clojure Learning

Clojure 关于语言特性网上的资源很丰富了, 而教程相对较少

慢慢我会尝试用 Clojure 和 ClojureScript 完成页面内容
当然也欢迎 Folk, 只是请求能把我教会能维护这个 rep

另一方面 Issue 将作为一个论坛使用, 欢迎加入讨论
个人跳过了 Java, 因而感到很多观念突兀需要努力理解


Resources Page

Resources page here: http://coffee-js.github.com/clojure-learning/page/index.html
The styles of it took a lot of inspiration from the screenshots of Light Table.

Add links here..

If you want to add links to this page, you need to folk this repo..
Node environment is needed, especially the jade markdown command.

For example, install jade and marked with NPM.
After you modified src/index.jade which was written in Markdown, run

jade -O page/ -wP src/*jade

to compile the .jade source to an .html file.
At last, send a pull request.