Celery Batches allows processing of multiple Celery task requests together
- 2
Worker shutdown behaviour
#93 opened by aminalaee - 12
- 5
Support for celery 5.4
#87 opened by bufke - 1
Remove upper bounds on version constraints
#88 opened by tony - 2
flower support
#70 opened by orlov-ai - 1
Oversized batches of retried tasks
#84 opened by javaccar - 9
Support task-failed event for batch tasks
#83 opened by Anghille - 3
Unable to install with celery 5.3.1
#79 opened by mhsparks - 4
Loosen celery version constraint?
#76 opened by tony - 2
Requests not being batched?
#74 opened by sabetAI - 3
Multiple tasks issue
#73 opened by bennylin77 - 4
- 0
Test against celery v5.3.0a1
#67 opened by clokep - 1
outdated documentation?
#66 opened by enodr - 2
More examples
#54 opened by tony - 1
Run tests with different brokers / backends
#29 opened by clokep - 7
Make docs more prominent (GitHub, pypi, and README)
#41 opened by tony - 11
docs: Ambiguity / shadowing in doc example
#42 opened by tony - 2
`poetry` package management?
#48 opened by tony - 4
- 6
- 9
Support success event for batched tasks
#33 opened by srinivaas14 - 12
Doesn't seem to support rpc://
#24 opened by romech - 10
- 3
Doesn't handle retries
#10 opened by nijel - 3
How to get the batches return value?
#20 opened by NLP-Peter - 14
#8 opened by nijel - 2
- 5
Deserialising rabbitMQ messages fails when I switch to batch execution using celery-batches
#9 opened by philippfreyer