- 1
DRF breakage
#107 opened by optiz0r - 2
- 3
- 6
Support order_by with None value
#96 opened by vuongdv-spinshell - 0
Support Django 4.1 fields for `bulk_create()`
#94 opened by clokep - 0
Support prefetching in `iterator()`
#95 opened by clokep - 0
Support asynchronous ORM methods
#93 opened by clokep - 1
- 0
Broken support for DjangoFilterBackend?
#50 opened by clokep - 1
Add real documentation
#18 opened by clokep - 10
AttributeError: 'QuerySetSequence' object has no attribute '_prefetch_related_lookups'
#67 opened by jpic - 1
- 1
- 6
- 5
- 3
New Version
#54 opened by yveswehrli - 25
Deconstruct QuerySetSequence back into QuerySets
#21 opened by jpic - 8
Implement distinct()
#31 opened by mauroka - 3
- 7
- 1
- 8
- 4
- 6
Slicing issue
#23 opened by brstra - 2
Form fields ?
#2 opened by jpic - 9
Django debug toolbar: no attribute 'app_label'
#8 opened by brstra - 7
Almost 2 times slower than chain with sorted
#4 opened by theromis