
Serve Wikipedia's Current Events (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events) page as an RSS feed; see it live:

Primary LanguagePython

Wikipedia Current Events to RSS


Deprecation notice: This is no longer being developed here. This was previously deployed on Heroku, but is now deployed at https://www.to-rss.xyz/wikipedia/ The new source is available at https://gitlab.com/clokep/to-rss/

wp-current-events-rss serves the last 7 days of Wikipedia's Current Events as an RSS feed. This is deployed at https://www.to-rss.xyz/wikipedia/.

Information is pulled on demand on each refresh of the page (and is always current).


This project runs on Heroku. It is a Flask application that serves a single web page (an RSS feed). It pulls data from the last 7 days of current events from Wikipedia, e.g. a page like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events/2017_May_8. The Wikicode is parsed using mwparserfromhell to an AST which is then cleaned-up slightly and converted back into HTML. Each day is served as an individual article using in an RSS feed generated using FeedGenerator.