This is a temporary collection for links and resources for learning the Web 3.0
Scaffold ETH and his creator YT - excellent starting point, I think this can make you a decent dev from zero
- What is the best way to learn Ethereum?
- Learning by doing - hands-on DeFi tutorial for beginners (Part 2)
- Best structured course to learn Solidity in 2021 (latest version)
- Projects with best open Solidity code to study?
- Is it even possible to learn Solidity with no coding background?
- Where to start as a developer in Defi?
Check the Books folder!
- Crypto-Current: Bitcoin and Philosophy
- Mastering Ethereum
- Token Economy: How the Web3 reinvents the Internet
- Solidity Basics - Smart Contracts and Decentralized Finance
- Advanced Solidity: Understanding and Optimizing Gas Costs
- How to build a DAO (Decentralized autonomous organization) in Solidity?
- A Beginners Guide to Understanding CRUD in Solidity
- Best Practices for Smart Contract Development
- Ethereum Smart Contract Security Best Practices
- Solidity Cheatsheets Pack
- A Proof of Stake Design Philosophy - Vitalik Buterin
- OpenZeppelin
- OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts
- Truffle
- Solidity Colletions
- Waffle
- Modular Libraries
- Smart Contracts Skeleton
- rugpullindex/indexed-sparse-merkle-tree