
Easy to setup sound/noise alerts for Unifi and RTSP-enabled cameras

Primary LanguageShell

Unifi Cam Volume Alert

Configure SMS-based alerting based on the volume level recorded by your Unifi (or any RTSP enabled) camera.

This has been a commonly requested feature from Ubiquiti:

This script exposes a very barebones way of accomplishing this goal. FFMPEG has a simple way of detecting the volume level of an audio/video steam, so I decided to leverage this in conjunction with SMS alerting to build this functionality.

How it works

A shell script runs FFMPEG against a recorded slice of video from an RTSP stream and FFMPEG calclates the mean volume of the audio from the clip. That value is compared against a user-defined threshold, and if it's louder, it makes a call to the Twilio API to deliver an SMS to the end user.


  1. If FFMPEG isn't already installed, apt-get install ffmpeg
  2. Clone this directory to /opt/unifi-cam-volume-alert
  3. Edit the varibles in /opt/unifi-cam-volume-alert/unifi_volume_alert.sh
  4. Move the systemd unit file: mv /opt/unifi-cam-volume-alert/unifi-cam-volume-alert.service
  5. (Optional) Move the logrotate file mv /opt/unifi-cam-volume-alert/unfi-cam-volume-alert.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/
  6. (Optional to start at boot) sudo systemctl enable unifi-cam-volume-alert.service
  7. Start the service: sudo systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start unfi-cam-volume-alert.service

The log file is located at /opt/unifi-cam-volume-alert/unifi_volume_alert.log