BMS Summerschool 2019 Tensorflow 2.0 basics

Installation instructions for tensorflow tutorial

We will be using the upcoming version 2.0 of tensorflow, which can be installed in several ways ( Additionally we will need a couple of standard python packages: numpy, matplotlib, jupyter

One possibility to get all requirements installed is miniconda (

  • Get miniconda and install it according to your OS (
  • The command conda should be available on the commandline
  • Create an environment for the tutorial. Run conda create -n tflow python=3.6
  • Activate the environment. Run conda activate tflow
  • Install needed packages using conda. Run conda install numpy matplotlib jupyter seaborn tqdm scikit-learn
  • Install tensorflow via pip of the tflow environment. Run pip install tensorflow==2.0.0-beta1

Tutorial 1 contents

Tensorflow offers many ways to create models and train them:

  • More high level methods conform to the Keras specification.
  • Using lower level methods gives more control (write own model and training loop).

Combinations of these are quite interoperable

  • Construct models of type tf.keras.Model via the Sequential API, the functional API, or writing your own subclass
  • Choose loss function, optimizer, and metrics
  • Supply data directly from numpy arrays or
  • Train via or writing your own training loop, e.g.
for i in range(n_epochs):
    for xs, ys in dataset:
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            predictions = model(xs)
            loss = loss_object(ys, predictions)
        gradients = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables)
        optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_variables))
  • History of training metrics is automatically returned by In your own training loop you can do anything, e.g. fill a list of metrics yourself. (Tomorrow you'll learn about tensorboard)
  • Saving a model means using checkpoints, which is done via
    • keras.ModelCheckpoint and, callbacks=...), or
    • write your own loop and use a tf.train.Checkpoint and tf.train.CheckpointManager

Tutorial 2 contents

  • tf.function: eager mode vs. graph mode
  • visualization with Tensorboard
  • writing your own variational autoencoder on MNIST
  • writing your own timelagged variational autoencoder on swiss roll jump process
  • using your own custom activation
  • tracing graphs
  • checkpointing with CheckpointManager