
Sympa Docker image.

Primary LanguageShell



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Docker image providing Sympa mailing list service.

You should make sure you mount spool and data volumes (/var/spool/sympa, /var/spool/nullmailer, and /var/lib/sympa) so that you do not lose e-mails and mailing lists data when you are recreating a container.

The intended use of this image is that it is extended (see cloyne/sympa for an example) with customizations for your installation, and used together with tozd/postfix for receiving and sending e-mails (see cloyne/postfix for an example how to integrate them together). It is configured to be used with tozd/postgresql PostgreSQL database, by default, running in a container named pgsql. Use REMOTES environment variable to specify the container or server used for sending e-mails.

The image contains only example values and cannot run without extending (or mounting necessary files into it).

You should provide two volumes, /etc/sympa/includes and /etc/sympa/shared.

/etc/sympa/includes should contain two files:

  • database – a password for sympa user with permissions over sympa PostgreSQL database at (by default) pgsql container
  • cookie – a randomly generated string used for cookie string secret

/etc/sympa/shared is a volume shared with (for example) cloyne/postfix container to provide necessary SSH keys for communication between containers.

When extending the image you should override files in the /etc/sympa/conf.d directory with ones containing your values. Moreover you probably want to define your own Sympa robot.

To create a database for Sympa, exec into your PostgreSQL container and run:

$ createuser -U postgres -DRS -PE sympa
$ createdb -U postgres -O sympa sympa

Then exec in as the new postgres user (docker exec --user postgres -ti postgresql /bin/bash --login) and run

$ psql
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE sympa OWNER <db_user> ENCODING 'UNICODE';
postgres=# \q

To set up logging, from inside the sympa container:

$ touch /var/log/sympa/sympa.log
$ chown syslog:adm /var/log/sympa/sympa.log
$ chmod 640 /var/log/sympa/sympa.log
$ sed -i '/imklog/s/^/#/' /etc/rsyslog.conf
$ service rsyslog start

You might have to initialize afterwards the database. Run from inside your Sympa container:

$ sympa --health_check