
The post-processing program for the output results of fault slip distribution by SDM inversion, including drawing of residual histogram, slip distribution, and data fitting.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


The post-processing program for the output results of fault slip distribution by SDM inversion, including drawing of residual histogram, slip distribution, and data fitting.


matlab 2018 and above.


The main files for this library contain:

  1. interp_def.m: Interpolate the predicted deformations, calculate residuals and generate grd files for GMT plotting.
  2. plot_disp.m: Plot the fault slip distribution, containing total slip, dip- and strike-slip components.
  3. residue_his.m: Draw residue histogram, in order to analysis the distribution of residue.


If you're using this library or have suggestions, let me know! I'm happy to work together on the code and its applications.


If you use this library in your research, you can cite this repository as follows:

He, Y., T. Wang, L. Fang, and L. Zhao (2021). The 2020 Mw 6.0 Jiashi Earthquake: Coinvolvement of Thin-Skinned Thrusting and Basement Shortening in Shaping the Keping-Tage Fold-and-Thrust Belt in Southwestern TianShan, Seismol. Res. Lett. 93, 680–692, doi: 10.1785/0220210063.

Further citation information will be updated in the future.