
Play copy of http://sourceforge.net/projects/cppheaderparser/ version 2.3

Primary LanguagePython

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<div class="document">

<div class="section" id="python-package-cppheaderparser">
<h1>Python package &quot;CppHeaderParser&quot;</h1>
<p><strong>Purpose:</strong> Parse C++ header files and generate a data structure representing the class</p>
<p><strong>Author:</strong> Jashua Cloutier</p>
<p><strong>Licence:</strong> BSD</p>
<p><strong>External modules required:</strong> PLY</p>
<p><strong>Quick start</strong>:</p>
<pre class="literal-block" width="1200px" style="max-width: 1200px">
#include &lt;vector&gt;
#include &lt;string&gt;

#define DEF_1 1
#define OS_NAME &quot;Linux&quot;

using namespace std;
class SampleClass
     * Method 1
    string meth1();

    /// Method 2 description
    /// &#64;param v1 Variable 1
    int meth2(int v1);

     * Method 3 description
     * \param v1 Variable 1
     * \param v2 Variable 2
    void meth3(const string &amp; v1, vector&lt;string&gt; &amp; v2);

     * Method 4 description
     * &#64;return Return value
    unsigned int meth4();
    void * meth5(){return NULL};

    /// prop1 description
    string prop1;
    //! prop5 description
    int prop5;
namespace Alpha
    class AlphaClass

        void alphaMethod();

        string alphaString;

    namespace Omega
        class OmegaClass

            string omegaString;

int sampleFreeFunction(int i)
    return i + 1;

int anotherFreeFunction(void);
<p><strong>Python code</strong>:</p>
<pre class="literal-block" width="1200px" style="max-width: 1200px">
import sys
sys.path = [&quot;../&quot;] + sys.path
import CppHeaderParser
    cppHeader = CppHeaderParser.CppHeader(&quot;SampleClass.h&quot;)
except CppHeaderParser.CppParseError,  e:
    print e

print &quot;CppHeaderParser view of %s&quot;%cppHeader

sampleClass = cppHeader.classes[&quot;SampleClass&quot;]
print &quot;Number of public methods %d&quot;%(len(sampleClass[&quot;methods&quot;][&quot;public&quot;]))
print &quot;Number of private properties %d&quot;%(len(sampleClass[&quot;properties&quot;][&quot;private&quot;]))
meth3 = [m for m in sampleClass[&quot;methods&quot;][&quot;public&quot;] if m[&quot;name&quot;] == &quot;meth3&quot;][0] #get meth3
meth3ParamTypes = [t[&quot;type&quot;] for t in meth3[&quot;parameters&quot;]] #get meth3s parameters
print &quot;Parameter Types for public method meth3 %s&quot;%(meth3ParamTypes)

print &quot;\nReturn type for meth1:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;SampleClass&quot;][&quot;methods&quot;][&quot;public&quot;][1][&quot;rtnType&quot;]

print &quot;\nDoxygen for meth2:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;SampleClass&quot;][&quot;methods&quot;][&quot;public&quot;][2][&quot;doxygen&quot;]

print &quot;\nParameters for meth3:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;SampleClass&quot;][&quot;methods&quot;][&quot;public&quot;][3][&quot;parameters&quot;]

print &quot;\nDoxygen for meth4:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;SampleClass&quot;][&quot;methods&quot;][&quot;public&quot;][4][&quot;doxygen&quot;]

print &quot;\nReturn type for meth5:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;SampleClass&quot;][&quot;methods&quot;][&quot;private&quot;][0][&quot;rtnType&quot;]

print &quot;\nDoxygen type for prop1:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;SampleClass&quot;][&quot;properties&quot;][&quot;private&quot;][0][&quot;doxygen&quot;]

print &quot;\nType for prop5:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;SampleClass&quot;][&quot;properties&quot;][&quot;private&quot;][1][&quot;type&quot;]

print &quot;\nNamespace for AlphaClass is:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;AlphaClass&quot;][&quot;namespace&quot;]

print &quot;\nReturn type for alphaMethod is:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;AlphaClass&quot;][&quot;methods&quot;][&quot;public&quot;][0][&quot;rtnType&quot;]

print &quot;\nNamespace for OmegaClass is:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;OmegaClass&quot;][&quot;namespace&quot;]

print &quot;\nType for omegaString is:&quot;
print cppHeader.classes[&quot;AlphaClass&quot;][&quot;properties&quot;][&quot;public&quot;][0][&quot;type&quot;]

print &quot;\nFree functions are:&quot;
for func in cppHeader.functions:
    print &quot; %s&quot;%func[&quot;name&quot;]

print &quot;\n#includes are:&quot;
for incl in cppHeader.includes:
    print &quot; %s&quot;%incl

print &quot;\n#defines are:&quot;
for define in cppHeader.defines:
    print &quot; %s&quot;%define
<pre class="literal-block" width="1200px" style="max-width: 1200px">
CppHeaderParser view of class SampleClass
    // Methods
   {'line_number': 11, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'void', 'const': False, 'parameters': [], 'namespace': '', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': '', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'returns_class': False, 'extern': False, 'path': 'SampleClass', 'returns_pointer': 0, 'class': None, 'name': 'SampleClass', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': True, 'constructor': True, 'debug': 'SampleClass ( ) ;', 'inline': False}
   {'line_number': 15, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'string', 'returns_unknown': True, 'const': False, 'parameters': [], 'namespace': '', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': 'string', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'returns_class': False, 'inline': False, 'extern': False, 'path': 'SampleClass', 'class': None, 'doxygen': '/*!\n* Method 1\n*/', 'name': 'meth1', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': False, 'constructor': False, 'debug': 'string meth1 ( ) ;', 'returns_pointer': 0}
   {'line_number': 22, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'int', 'const': False, 'parameters': [{'line_number': 22, 'constant': 0, 'name': 'v1', 'reference': 0, 'type': 'int', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0, 'desc': 'Variable 1'}], 'namespace': '', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': 'int', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'returns_class': False, 'inline': False, 'extern': False, 'path': 'SampleClass', 'class': None, 'doxygen': '///\n/// Method 2 description\n///\n/// &#64;param v1 Variable 1\n///', 'name': 'meth2', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': True, 'constructor': False, 'debug': 'int meth2 ( int v1 ) ;', 'returns_pointer': 0}
   {'line_number': 30, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'void', 'const': False, 'parameters': [{'line_number': 30, 'constant': 1, 'name': 'v1', 'reference': 1, 'type': 'const string &amp;', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0, 'desc': 'Variable 1'}, {'line_number': 30, 'constant': 0, 'name': 'v2', 'reference': 1, 'type': 'vector&lt;string&gt; &amp;', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0, 'desc': 'Variable 2'}], 'namespace': '', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': 'void', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'unresolved_parameters': True, 'returns_class': False, 'inline': False, 'extern': False, 'path': 'SampleClass', 'class': None, 'doxygen': '/**\n* Method 3 description\n*\n* \\param v1 Variable 1\n* \\param v2 Variable 2\n*/', 'name': 'meth3', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': True, 'constructor': False, 'debug': 'void meth3 ( const string &amp; v1 , vector &lt;string&gt; &amp; v2 ) ;', 'returns_pointer': 0}
   {'line_number': 37, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'unsigned int', 'const': False, 'parameters': [], 'namespace': '', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': 'unsigned int', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'returns_class': False, 'inline': False, 'extern': False, 'path': 'SampleClass', 'class': None, 'doxygen': '/**********************************\n* Method 4 description\n*\n* &#64;return Return value\n*********************************/', 'name': 'meth4', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': True, 'constructor': False, 'debug': 'unsigned int meth4 ( ) ;', 'returns_pointer': 0}
    // Properties
    {'line_number': 42, 'constant': 0, 'name': 'prop1', 'reference': 0, 'type': 'string', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0}
    {'line_number': 44, 'constant': 0, 'name': 'prop5', 'reference': 0, 'type': 'int', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0}
    // Methods
   {'line_number': 39, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'void *', 'const': False, 'parameters': [], 'namespace': '', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': 'void', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'returns_class': False, 'extern': False, 'path': 'SampleClass', 'returns_pointer': 1, 'class': None, 'name': 'meth5', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': True, 'constructor': False, 'debug': 'void * meth5 ( ) {', 'inline': False}

class Alpha::AlphaClass
    // Properties
    {'line_number': 55, 'constant': 0, 'name': 'alphaString', 'reference': 0, 'type': 'string', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0}
    // Methods
   {'line_number': 51, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'void', 'const': False, 'parameters': [], 'namespace': 'Alpha::', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': '', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'returns_class': False, 'extern': False, 'path': 'Alpha::AlphaClass', 'returns_pointer': 0, 'class': None, 'name': 'AlphaClass', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': True, 'constructor': True, 'debug': 'AlphaClass ( ) ;', 'inline': False}
   {'line_number': 53, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'void', 'const': False, 'parameters': [], 'namespace': 'Alpha::', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': 'void', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'returns_class': False, 'extern': False, 'path': 'Alpha::AlphaClass', 'returns_pointer': 0, 'class': None, 'name': 'alphaMethod', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': True, 'constructor': False, 'debug': 'void alphaMethod ( ) ;', 'inline': False}

class Alpha::Omega::OmegaClass
    // Properties
    {'line_number': 65, 'constant': 0, 'name': 'omegaString', 'reference': 0, 'type': 'string', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0}
    // Methods
   {'line_number': 63, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'void', 'const': False, 'parameters': [], 'namespace': 'Alpha::Omega::', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': '', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'returns_class': False, 'extern': False, 'path': 'Alpha::Omega::OmegaClass', 'returns_pointer': 0, 'class': None, 'name': 'OmegaClass', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': True, 'constructor': True, 'debug': 'OmegaClass ( ) ;', 'inline': False}

// functions
{'line_number': 70, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'int', 'const': False, 'parameters': [{'line_number': 70, 'constant': 0, 'name': 'i', 'reference': 0, 'type': 'int', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0}], 'namespace': '', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': 'int', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'returns_class': False, 'extern': False, 'returns_pointer': 0, 'class': None, 'name': 'sampleFreeFunction', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': True, 'constructor': False, 'debug': 'int sampleFreeFunction ( int i ) {', 'inline': False}
{'line_number': 75, 'static': False, 'rtnType': 'int', 'const': False, 'parameters': [{'line_number': 75, 'constant': 0, 'name': '', 'reference': 0, 'type': 'void', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0}], 'namespace': '', 'virtual': False, 'destructor': False, 'returns': 'int', 'template': False, 'friend': False, 'returns_class': False, 'extern': False, 'returns_pointer': 0, 'class': None, 'name': 'anotherFreeFunction', 'pure_virtual': False, 'explicit': False, 'returns_fundamental': True, 'constructor': False, 'debug': 'int anotherFreeFunction ( void ) ;', 'inline': False}

Number of public methods 5
Number of private properties 2
Parameter Types for public method meth3 ['const string &amp;', 'vector&lt;string&gt; &amp;']

Return type for meth1:

Doxygen for meth2:
/// Method 2 description
/// &#64;param v1 Variable 1

Parameters for meth3:
[{'line_number': 30, 'constant': 1, 'name': 'v1', 'reference': 1, 'type': 'const string &amp;', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0, 'desc': 'Variable 1'}, {'line_number': 30, 'constant': 0, 'name': 'v2', 'reference': 1, 'type': 'vector&lt;string&gt; &amp;', 'static': 0, 'pointer': 0, 'desc': 'Variable 2'}]

Doxygen for meth4:
* Method 4 description
* &#64;return Return value

Return type for meth5:
void *

Doxygen type for prop1:
/// prop1 description

Type for prop5:

Namespace for AlphaClass is:

Return type for alphaMethod is:

Namespace for OmegaClass is:

Type for omegaString is:

Free functions are:

#includes are:

#defines are:
 DEF_1 1
 OS_NAME &quot;Linux&quot;
<div class="section" id="contributors">
<ul class="simple">
<li>Chris Love</li>