
Binary to inject secrets as environment variables to another application

Primary LanguageGo


Binary to inject secrets as environment variables to another application

This uses the Workload Identity on GCP https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/workload-identity#verify_the_setup or default credentials


By default, the same path of the envsecrets file is used, but you can optionally set the environment variable to change the default path.

  • ENVSECRETS_CONFIG_PATH: set the environment variable to the path where the initial configuration file is located (optional).

For example:

export ENVSECRETS_CONFIG_PATH:"/opt/envsecrets-config.json"
  • envsecrets-config.json: The input file is used to indicate the secrets to be read from the Secret Manager and set general config

For example:

        "convert_to_uppercase_var_names": true


  • secrets is an array of 1 or more with attributes corresponding to env and name for each secret to read from the secret manager.

Note: env is the name of the environment variable that will be injected and name is the full path where the secret to be read is located (GCP Secret Manager), if it contains a json secret, it will create an environment variable for each json key


if you want to inject secrets to the app named "app1", use the following command line

./envsecrets ./app1


In this process, it allows us to generate the envsecrets binary from the golang code, and depending on the distribution where we need to use it, we will execute the corresponding command

  • For linux (from Mac)
go mod download
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build envsecrets.go
  • For Alpine: *
go mod download
go build -o envsecrets -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -static" -a envsecrets.go
  • For Linux (Debian and other ditros) *
go mod download
go build -o envsecrets envsecrets.go

*You can use the docker image golang:1.15.0-buster to compile to Alpine and Linux