
Tool to calculate CCF coefficients based on SPECpower results.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cloud Carbon Coefficients (ccfcoef)

This tool calculates the coefficients used in Cloud Carbon Footprint, an application that estimates the energy (kilowatt-hours) and carbon emissions (metric tons CO2e) from public cloud provider utilization. We use the SPECpower_ssj2008 results to perform these calculations.

The original work was done by David Mytton, and it is archived here.


There are two outputs of this tool used in Cloud Carbon Footprint:

  1. Usage coefficients: Values calculated within for Azure (min watts, max watts, GB/chip), AWS (min watts, max watts, GB/chip) and GCP (min watts, max watts). Results will be in a CSV file in the output/ with the values for each CPU architecture for each cloud platform.

  2. Embodied emissions coefficients: Values are calculated and output to CSV in output/ for each instance type for each cloud platform in kgCO2e.


This command line is written in Python and manages its dependencies through poetry. Steps:

  • Ensure you have or install Python 3.10 with python3 --version
  • If you don't have it, install poetry: curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
  • Run poetry install to install dependencies
  • Run poetry run ccfcoef --help to see the available commands or poetry shell to enter a virtualenv and then ccfcoef --help

Basic usage

Looking at the help output, you can see the available commands:

$ poetry run ccfcoef --help

Usage: ccfcoef [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --spec-version TEXT  The SPECpower version to use, use "ccfcoef list-specs"
                       to see available versions.
  --help               Show this message and exit.

  cpu-averages           Display the calculated power usage averages for...
  embodied-coefficients  Calculate the embodied coefficients for each...
  filter-spec            Filter SPECpower file by CPU family.
  list-specs             Display all available SPECpower results files.
  show-constants         Display all constants available to ccfcoef.
  show-families          Display all CPU families available to ccfcoef.
  tag-spec               Tag SPECpower results with CPU family.
  update-specpower       Will fetch a new version of the SPECpower...
  usage-coefficients     Calculate the usage coefficients for each cloud...

Generating coefficients

  • usage-coefficients: This command will calculate the usage coefficients for each cloud provider and output them to CSV in output/.
$ poetry run ccfcoef usage-coefficients -w

Calculating usage coefficients...
Using SPECpower results file: SPECpower-2023-05-01.csv

Missing: Unknown
Writing to output/coefficients-azure-use.csv, 8 entries.

Writing to output/coefficients-gcp-use.csv, 8 entries.

Missing: 8375C
Writing to output/coefficients-aws-use.csv, 11 entries.
  • embodied-coefficients: This command will calculate the embodied coefficients for each cloud provider and output them to CSV in output/.
$ poetry run ccfcoef embodied-coefficients -w

Calculating embodied coefficients...
Writing to output/coefficients-azure-embodied.csv, 595 entries.
Writing to output/coefficients-gcp-embodied.csv, 277 entries.
GCP (mean)
Writing to output/coefficients-gcp-embodied-mean.csv, 126 entries.
Writing to output/coefficients-aws-embodied.csv, 621 entries.

Updating the SPECpower results

  • update-specpower: This command will fetch a new version of the SPECpower results file from the SPEC website and save it to data/.
$ poetry run ccfcoef update-specpower

Updating SPECpower data...
Found 830 results
Writing SPECpower-2023-05-01.csv

Advanced usage

Other commands are available to help investigate the data and the coefficients. Use poetry run ccfcoef COMMAND --help for more information.

SPECpower versioning

ccfcoef uses the last available SPECpower results file by default. You can specify a different version with the --spec-version option. This is a global option and will set the SPECpower version for all commands.

  • list-specs: This command will display all available SPECpower results files in data/. See example below.
$ poetry run ccfcoef list-specs

Available SPECpower results files:
file: SPECpower-2023-05-01.csv version:2023-05-01
file: SPECpower-2023-04-28.csv version:2023-04-28
file: SPECpower-2023-04-27.csv version:2023-04-27
file: SPECpower-2023-04-06.csv version:2023-04-06
file: SPECpower-2022-03-01.csv version:2022-03-01

$ poetry run ccfcoef --spec-version 2022-03-01 cpu-averages --family intel-coffeelake

Using SPECpower results file: SPECpower-2022-03-01.csv

Averages for: Coffee Lake
Average: Min Watts = 1.14
Average: Max Watts = 5.42
Average: Max Watts (GCP) = 5.41
Average: GB/chip = 19.56