
File Storage

Primary LanguageHTML

File storage service

A file bin service for all your quick and easy storage needs.


See api.yaml for API specification.


With docker

docker pull ghcr.io/cloud-cli/storage:latest
docker run --rm -e ROOT_DIR=/opt/data -e PORT=1234 -v$PWD/data:/opt/data ghcr.io/cloud-cli/storage:latest

See also the release page.

As a standalone server with Node.JS

import start from '@cloud-cli/storage';

start({ rootDir: process.cwd() + '/data', port: 1234 });

As an ES Module

Consuming it as an ES module: if the server is running at https://bin.example.com, import it as a module in a project:

import { createBin, createFile, writeFile, readFile } from 'https://bin.example.com/index.mjs';

async function save(content) {
  const { binId } = await createBin();
  const { fileId } = await createFile(binId);

  return await writeFile(binId, fileId, content);

const { binId, fileID, url } = await save('hello');
const content = await readFile(binId, fileId);
// or directly
const hello = await (await fetch(url)).text();

Environment variables

env description
ROOT_DIR String. Path to a folder where all data is stored
PORT Number. HTTP port