
Contains Concourse CI scripts and configuration we use to test cf-mysql-release

Primary LanguageShell


Contains Concourse CI scripts and configuration we use to test cf-mysql-release

Configure a pipeline

 $ ./ci/configure-pipeline

Select the number of the pipeline you wish to set.

This script uses the reconfigure-pipeline tool from https://github.com/pivotal-cf/reconfigure-pipeline which automatically pulls creds from lastpass by name (but not folder).


The pipeline config files are parametrized to allow private credentials to be stored outside this repo. The configure-pipeline script will pull creds from lastpass, based on the access of whoever is logged into lpass.

Environment Config Files

The cf-mysql and cf-mysql-acceptance pipelines are also parametrized to allow CI to deploy to different environments. The cf-mysql pipeline deploys to initial_env at the start of the pipeline, and integration_env at the end. The cf-mysql-acceptance pipeline performs a single deploy to acceptance_env. There are a collection of variables in the pipeline configs (e.g. {{initial_env_bosh_url}}) to allow these environments to be specified by the user. These config variables can be defined in the above credentials file, or by adding --vars-from YOUR_ENVS.yml to the above command.

In addition to the Concourse parameters, our scripts expect the following files to exist for each environment:
