
Operator to manage secrets with Key Protect (and possibly other key management tools)

Primary LanguageGo

Key Management operator

Operator that reads secret configuration in a SecretTemplate custom resource, looks up secret values from a key manager, and generates a Secret.


A common issue when doing GitOps is dealing with sensitive information that should not be stored in the git repository (e.g. passwords, keys, etc). There are two different approaches to how to handle this issue:

  1. Inject the values from another source into kubernetes Secret(s) at deployment time
  2. Inject the values from another source in the pod at startup time via an InitContainer

The "other source" in this case would be a key management system that centralizes the storage and management of sensitive information.

This operator addresses the first approach listed above by pulling sensitive values from Key Protect at deployment time to generate the appropriate kubernetes Secret(s).

How it works

The operator takes a SecretTemplate custom resource(s) as input, looks up the values of any sensitive information for the provided keyIds from Key Protect, and generates a kubernetes Secret for each input template.

Secret template

The input to the operator is one or more "secret templates". In this case the "secret template" provides the structure of the desired template with placeholders for the values that will be pulled from the key management system. The following provides the structure of the template:

apiVersion: keymanagement.ibm/v1
kind: SecretTemplate
  name: mysecret
    key-manager: key-protect
    key-protect/instanceId: instance-id
    key-protect/region: us-east
  labels: {}
  annotations: {}
    - key: url
      stringData: https://ibm.com
    - key: username
      data: dGVhbS1jYXA=
    - key: password
      keyId: 36397b07-d98d-4c0b-bd7a-d6c290163684
  • The metadata.annotations value is optional.

    • key-manager - the only value supported currently is key-protect
    • key-protect/instanceId - the instance id of the key protect instance. If not provided then the instance-id value from the key-protect-access secret will be used.
    • key-protect/region - the region where the key protect instance has been provisioned. If not provided then the region value from the key-protect-access secret will be used.
  • The metadata.name value given will be used as the name for the Secret that will be generated.

  • The information in spec.labels and spec.annotations will be copied over as the labels and annotations in the Secret that is generated

  • The spec.values section contains the information that should be provided in the data section of the generated Secret. There are three possible ways the values can be provided:

    • stringData - the actual value can be provided directly as clear text. This would be appropriate for information that is not sensitive but is required in the secret.
    • data - a base64 encoded value can be provided to the secret. This can be used for large values that might present formatting issues or for information that is not sensitive but that might be obfuscated a bit (like a username).
    • keyId - the id (not the name) of the Standard Key that has been stored in Key Protect. The value stored in Key Protect can be anything.

Managing keys in Key Protect

Key Protect manages two different types of keys: root keys and standard keys. Standard keys are used to store any kind of protected information. The Key Protect plugin reads the contents of a standard key, identified by a given key id, and stores the key value into a secret in the cluster.

The following steps describe how to create a standard key:

  1. Open the IBM Cloud console and navigate to the Key Protect service

  2. Within Key Protect, select the Manage Keys tab

  3. Press the Add key button to open the "Add a new key" dialog

  4. Select the Import your own key radio button and Standard key from the drop down

  5. Provide a descriptive name for the key and paste the base-64 encoded value of the key into the Key material field

    Note: A value can be encoded as base-64 from the terminal with the following command:

    echo -n "{VALUE}" | base64

    If you need to encode a larger value, create the value in a file and encode the entire contents of the file with:

    cat {file} | base64
  6. Click Import key to create the key

  7. Copy the value of the ID. This will be used later by the plugin

Setting up the operator

Key Protect credentials

In order to connect with Key Protect you will need three pieces of information:

  • IBM Cloud API Key - an API Key that has Reader and ReaderPlus access to the Key Protect instance
  • Key Protect region - the region where the Key Protect instance has been deployed
  • Key Protect instance id - the GUID of the Key Protect instance where the secrets are stored

The three values can be provided in a secret named key-protect-access in the same namespace where ArgoCD has been deployed. As shown above, the region and instance id values can be provided in the SecretTemplate configuration. Additionally, the default API Key will be used from the cloud-access secret if the value is not available from the key-protect-access secret.

Get the instance id for Key Protect

  1. Set the target resource group and region for the Key Protect instance.

    ibmcloud target -g {RESOURCE_GROUP} -r {REGION}
  2. List the available resources and find the name of the Key Protect instance.

    ibmcloud resource service-instances
  3. List the details for the Key Protect instance. The Key Protect instance id is listed as GUID.

    ibmcloud resource service-instance {INSTANCE_NAME} 

Create the secret with the information needed to access Key Protect

Armed with the information from the previous step, run the following to create a secret:

kubectl create secret generic -n ${NAMESPACE} key-protect-access \
  --from-literal=api-key=${API_KEY} \ 
  --from-literal=region=${REGION} \


  • NAMESPACE should be the namespace where ArgoCD has been deployed



  • Operator SDK v1.0.1

Run the tests

make test

Build and push the image

make container-build container-push

Run the operator

make install
make deploy

Initial setup

These are the steps that were performed to initialize the operator.

Initialize the operator

operator-sdk init --domain=ibm --repo=github.com/ibmgaragecloud/key-management-operator

Generate the skeleton CRD and controller

operator-sdk create api --group keymanagement --version v1 --kind SecretTemplate --resource=true --controller=true