Cloud Native Toolkit Operators and Instances Catalog for GitOps

This git repository serves as a catalog/library of Operators and Instances of the custom resource(s) provided by the Operators for the GitOps workflow. The Operator and Instance YAMLs are package as a Helm Chart and can be referenced by ArgoCD Applications.

The Charts are hosted in the Cloud Native Toolkit Helm Repository.




The prerequisites to install the Instana agent are:

  1. Store your Instana Agent Key in a secret in the instana-agent namespace. The secret key field should contain key and the value contains your Instana Agent Key. Modify the instana-agent.agent.keysSecret value in the instances\instana-agent\values.yaml file to match the secret you deployed.

  2. Modify the value in the instances\instana-agent\values.yaml file which represents the name that will be assigned to this cluster in Instana.

  3. Modify the value in the instances\instana-agent\values.yaml file which is the custom zone that detected technologies will be assigned to.