
Module to provision ocp-sno on aws

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AWS Single Node OpenShift IPI

Module Overview

This module creates an OpenShift cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Installer-Provisioned Infrastructure. As such, it interfaces to AWS to create the infrastructure components, such as EC2 instances, for the cluster. It can either create all the infrastructure components including VPC and subnets for a quickstart, or in future, it will support providing an existing VPC environment. The deployed cluster will be across 3 availability zones.

This module is a cut down version of the full AWS OCP IPI module which is available here


  1. A public domain needs to be configured in Route 53 which will be used by the cluster
  2. The target region must have quota available for an additional VPC with 1 elastic IP and a NAT gateway.

Software Dependencies

This module depends upon the following software components:

Command Line Tools

  • terraform >= 1.2.6

Terraform providers

  • AWS provider >= v4.27.0

Module Dependencies - new virtual network

When creating a new virtual network, this module has not dependencies on other modules.

Module Dependencies - existing virtual network

Will be supported in a future release

Input Variables

This module has the following input variables:

Variable Mandatory / Optional Default Value Description
cluster_name Mandatory The name to give the OpenShift cluster
base_domain_name Mandatory The existing Route 53 wildcard base domain name that has been defined. For example, clusters.mydomain.com.
region Mandatory AWS region into which to deploy the OpenShift cluster
access_key Mandatory The AWS account access key
secret_key Mandatory The AWS account secret key
pull_secret Mandatory "" The Red Hat pull secret to access the Red Hat image repositories to install OpenShift. One of pull_secret or pull_secret_file is required.
pull_secret_file Mandatory "" The full path and name of the file containing the Red Hat pull secret to access the Red Hat image repositories for the OpenShift installation. One of pull_secret or pull_secret_file is required.
vpc_cidr Mandatory Exisitng VPC CIDR
private_subnet Mandatory Existing private subnet in availability zone 1
public_subnet Mandatory Existing public subnet in availability zone 1 (Set to empty string if making private only)
public_ssh_key Optional "" An existing public key to be used for post implementation node (EC2 Instance) access. If left as default, a new key pair will be generated.
algorithm Optional RSA Algorithm to be utilized if creating a new key
rsa_bits Optional 4096 The number of bits for the RSA key if creating a new RSA key
ecdsa_curve Optional P224 The ECDSA curve value to be utilized if creating a new ECDSA key
private Optional false Flag to indicate whether cluster should be provisioned with private endpoints only (no internet access)
update_ingress_cert Optional true Flag to indicate whether to update the ingress certificates after the cluster has been created
byo_certs Optional false Flag to indicate whether to use BYO ingress certificates or create new ones
acme_registration_email Optional me@mydomain.com Valid email address for certificate registration
use_staging_certs Optional false Flag to indicate whether to generate staging or valid certificates. Used for testing. Note quota limits on valid certificates.
apps-cert-file Optional "" If using BYO certificates, the full path to the file containing the apps (*.apps.cluster.domain) certificate
apps-key-file Optional "" If using BYO certificates, the full path to the file containing the apps (*.apps.cluster.domain) private key
apps-ca-file Optional "" If using BYO certificates, the full path to the file containing the apps (*.apps.cluster.domain) certificate authority bundle
api-cert-file Optional "" If using BYO certificates, the full path to the file containing the api (*.api.cluster.domain) certificate
api-key-file Optional "" If using BYO certificates, the full path to the file containing the api (*.api.cluster.domain) private key
api-ca-file Optional "" If using BYO certificates, the full path to the file containing the api (*.api.cluster.domain) certificate authority bundle
binary_offset Optional binaries The path offset from the terraform root directory into which the binaries will be stored.
install_offset Optional install The path offset from the terraform root directory into which the OpenShift installation files will be stored.
openshift_version Optional 4.10 The version of OpenShift to be installed (must be available in the mirror repository - see below)
hyperthreading Optional Enabled Flag to determine whether hyperthreading should be used for master
architecture Optional amd64 CPU Architecture for the worker nodes
node_type Optional m6i.4xlarge AWS EC2 Instance type for the node. Note the minimum size is 4 vCPU and 16GB RAM
volume_iops Optional 400 Node disk IOPS
volume_size Optional 500 Node disk size (GB)
volume_type Optional io1 Type of disk for worker nodes
cluster_cidr Optional CIDR for the internal OpenShift network.
cluster_host_prefix Optional 23 Host prefix for the internal OpenShift network
network_type Optional OpenShiftSDN Network plugin to use for the OpenShift virtual networking.
machine_cidr Optional CIDR for the master and worker nodes. Must be the same or a subset of the VPC CIDR
service_network_cidr Optional CIDR for the internal OpenShift service network.

Example Usage

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source = "hashicorp/aws"


provider "aws" {
  region        = var.region
  access_key    = var.access_key
  secret_key    = var.secret_key

# VPC and internet gateway 
module "vpc" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-aws-vpc?ref=v1.6.0"

  provision             = true
  internal_cidr         = ""
  name_prefix           = var.name_prefix
  resource_group_name   = var.resource_group_name

module "igw" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-aws-vpc-gateways?ref=v1.2.1"

  name_prefix           = var.name_prefix
  provision             = true
  resource_group_name   = var.resource_group_name
  vpc_name              = module.vpc.vpc_name

# Subnets - 1 public, 1 private
module "public_subnet" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-aws-vpc-subnets?ref=v2.3.0"

  name_prefix           = var.name_prefix
  provision             = true
  region                = var.region
  resource_group_name   = var.resource_group_name
  vpc_name              = module.vpc.vpc_name
  gateways              = module.igw.ids
  label                 = "public"
  multi-zone            = false
  subnet_cidrs          = [""]
  acl_rules             = []
  availability_zones    = []
module "private_subnet" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-aws-vpc-subnets?ref=v2.3.0"

  name_prefix           = var.name_prefix
  provision             = true
  region                = var.region
  resource_group_name   = var.resource_group_name
  vpc_name              = module.vpc.vpc_name
  gateways              = module.ngw.ids
  label                 = "private"
  multi-zone            = false
  subnet_cidrs          = [""]
  acl_rules             = []
  availability_zones    = []

# NAT Gateway
module "ngw" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-aws-nat-gateway?ref=v1.1.1"

  _count                = 1
  name_prefix           = var.name_prefix
  provision             = true
  resource_group_name   = var.resource_group_name
  subnet_ids            = module.public_subnet.subnet_ids

module "openshift-cluster" {
    source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-aws-ocp-sno"

    region                = var.region
    access_key            = var.access_key
    secret_key            = var.secret_key
    base_domain_name      = var.base_domain_name
    cluster_name          = var.cluster_name
    resource_group_name   = var.resource_group_name
    pull_secret           = var.pull_secret
    private_subnet        = module.private_subnet.ids[0]
    public_subnet         = module.public_subnet.ids[0]
    vpc_cidr              = module.vpc.vpc_cidr
    private               = false
    openshift_version     = "4.10"

Post Installation

Post installation it is necessary to add your own certificate to the cluster to access the console.

To access the cluster from the command line (this is using the default binary and install path offsets),

  $ export KUBECONFIG=./install/auth/kubeconfig
  $ ./binaries/oc get nodes


In the event that the openshift installation fails, check the logs under,


the default install_path value is install, so from the place you ran the terraform from, it is possible to see the last log entries using the following command,

$ tail -25 ./install/.openshift_install.log

The default kubeconfig for cluster access is located under the same installation directory,


To login to the cluster from the CLI, export this as your KUBECONFIG shell environment value,

$ export KUBECONFIG=./install/auth/kubeconfig

You should then be able to obtain details of the cluster, such as (with the default binary path),

$ ./binaries/oc get clusterversion