
Examples of Cloud4RPi client library usage on C.H.I.P.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Cloud4RPi Examples for Next Thing Co. C.H.I.P.

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This example demonstrates different scenarios of using Cloud4RPi service on C.H.I.P.:

  • Monitoring events
  • Controlling a GPIO pin
  • Monitoring temperature with the DS18B20 sensor

For detailed instructions on how to run this example, refer to the How To article.

Running the Sample Code

  1. Update your system and make sure you have the latest versions of all required software:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
    sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git -y
    sudo pip3 install --upgrade setuptools pip
  2. If you are going to use GPIO, install the CHIP_IO library using the instructions from the CHIP_IO repository.
  3. Install the Cloud4RPi client library:
    sudo pip3 install cloud4rpi
  4. Clone this repository:
    git clone https://github.com/cloud4rpi/cloud4rpi-chip-python.git && cd cloud4rpi-chip-python
  5. Log into your Cloud4RPi account or create a new one.
  6. Copy your device's Device Token. If you have no devices, create one on the Devices page and copy its Device Token.
  7. Replace the __YOUR_DEVICE_TOKEN__ string in the control.py file with your device token using any text editor (nano, vim, sed or other):
    sed -i 's/__YOUR_DEVICE_TOKEN__/replace-this-text-with-your-real-device-token/' control.py
  8. Run the control.py example:
    sudo python3 control.py
  9. Notice that the device went online and started sending data.
  10. Go to the Control Panels page and add a new control panel.
  11. Add a new Gauge widget and bind it to the CPU Temp variable.
  12. Add a new Switch widget and bind it to the LED On variable.
  13. Add a new Text widget and bind it to the STATUS variable. Configure different colors for "IDLE", "RING" and "BOOM!" strings.
  14. If you have DS18B20 sensor connected to your C.H.I.P., add a new Chart widget and bind it to the Room Temp variable.

You can use this control panel to monitor variables and control a logical state on a hardware pin.

See Also