- 3
v1.0.5 does not run in docker:19.03.6
#120 opened by bassco - 0
Remov e
#119 opened by udeathstarck - 3
- 6
- 2
Switch to the official docker client
#99 opened by mumoshu - 3
Provide an Aarch64/Arm64 Linux release
#112 opened by mmarmm - 1
- 1
Custom path for .dockerignore
#109 opened by haos616 - 3
ssh -T error
#104 opened by SvitlanaShepitsena - 2
- 5
Failing Codeship build
#86 opened by mumoshu - 1
Habitus Install script not updated
#105 opened by gcstang - 2
- 0
- 1
Add unit tests
#91 opened by mumoshu - 0
doc: Basic usage guide for minikube users
#97 opened by mumoshu - 1
Dependency management?
#98 opened by mumoshu - 2
Habitus on Windows
#100 opened by StianOvrevage - 2
Credentials not working on OSX
#64 opened by fosk06 - 1
container not seeing habitus server
#65 opened by glebovitz - 1
Better Document the --secrets option
#66 opened by naemono - 1
Docker for Mac - What should $host be?
#67 opened by dieswaytoofast - 3
Secrets do not work for versions after 0.4.9
#68 opened by lukogex - 4
Build for step builder failed due to dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: connection refused
#69 opened by MathieuGilbert - 2
Homebrew Cask?
#72 opened by nikolay - 5
- 4
Hangup when build with large files
#75 opened by adoyle-h - 1
Not working with SSL client certificates
#76 opened by Alexilmarranen - 2
Windows Installer not working
#77 opened by mleffert - 2
- 0
Getting "Failed: open /root/build.yml: no such file or directory" error while installing in Fedora 26
#79 opened by sbuvaneshkumar - 6
Ability to access network during build
#80 opened by neverfox - 7
Habitus is not working on Alpine Linux
#82 opened by dduportal - 1
- 3
- 3
- 6
travisci command error
#52 opened by toonsevrin - 0
Add default values for most common invocations
#50 opened by wagoodman - 4
Add secret type for environment variables
#53 opened by toonsevrin - 5
- 0
If *other* images exist locally, incorrect images can be deleted in the final step
#58 opened by lvangool - 3
- 1
Run single step from build file
#61 opened by roytruelove - 5
Problem with artifacts
#63 opened by PawelMag - 2
parse Dockerfiles for _env(x) to get substituted with parent environment variables or with the --env switch
#59 opened by foldingbeauty - 0
env secrets should be prefix with HABITUS_SECRET_ to avoid eavedropping on host ENVs
#70 opened by foldingbeauty - 0
- 3
- 1
- 0
default setting of host is not working
#56 opened by foldingbeauty