
A wrapper for Dalli with support for AWS ElastiCache

Primary LanguageRuby


A wrapper for the Dalli memcached client with support for AWS ElastiCache Auto Discovery


Install the rubygem:

# in your Gemfile
gem 'dalli-elasticache'


Using ElastiCache with Rails 3.x and newer:

# in config/environments/production.rb
elasticache = Dalli::ElastiCache.new(config_endpoint)
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, elasticache.servers, {:expires_in => 1.day, :compress => true}

Note that the ElastiCache server list will be refreshed each time an app server process starts.

General client usage:

# Create an ElastiCache instance with your config endpoint and options for Dalli
elasticache = Dalli::ElastiCache.new(config_endpoint, dalli_options={})
# For example:
elasticache = Dalli::ElastiCache.new("aaron-scratch.vfdnac.cfg.use1.cache.amazonaws.com:11211", :expires_in => 3600, :namespace => "my_app")

elasticache.version # => the config version returned by the ElastiCache config endpoint.

elasticache.servers # => array of IP addresses and hostnames, e.g. ["", ""]

client = elasticache.client # a regular Dalli::Client using the instance IP addresses returns by the config endpoint

# Check the endpoint to see if the version has changed:
# If so, update your dalli client:
client = elasticache.client


Copyright 2013 Aaron Suggs

Released under an MIT License