
Fully Functional GitOps Sandpit Environment

GitOps Sandpit Environment


Contains a Vagrantfile which will launch a fully functional GitOps environment which includes the following:

  • Kubernetes v1.19.3
  • Flux v1.5.0

Install Instructions

  1. Fork the https://github.com/cloudacademy/gitops-demo repo
  2. Edit the Vagrantfile, update the FORKED_GITOPS_DEMO_REPO variable to point to your forked copy
  3. Launch the GitOps Vagrant box using vagrant up
  4. Extract the Flux SSH public key from the output of the previous command and then add it as a new Deploy Key with both read/write access for the forked repo as configured within the FORKED_GITOPS_DEMO_REPO variable
  5. SSH into the new GitOps Vagrant box using vagrant ssh


Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.box = "cloudacademydevops.k8s"

  config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
    kubectl create ns flux
    kubectl create ns cloudacademy

    helm repo add fluxcd https://charts.fluxcd.io
    helm repo update

    #NOTE: Fork the cloudacademy/gitops-demo repo
    #then update the following line with your forked version

    helm install flux --set git.url=git@$FORKED_GITOPS_DEMO_REPO --namespace flux fluxcd/flux --version 1.5.0

    echo waiting for flux pods to launch...
    kubectl wait --timeout=300s --for=condition=available deploy flux -n flux
    kubectl wait --timeout=300s --for=condition=available deploy flux-memcached -n flux
    echo flux ready!!
    echo ============================
    echo copy this SSH key and configure as a new Deploy key in the $FORKED_GITOPS_DEMO_REPO GitHub repo
    kubectl -n flux logs deployment/flux | grep identity.pub | cut -d '"' -f2 | cut -d " " -f1,2
    echo ============================
    echo login into vagrant box:
    echo vagrant ssh
    echo   kubectl -n flux get all
    echo finished!