
a daily report with up to date statistics--since this app cannot be published on Play, I am no longer working on it

Primary LanguageKotlin

Corona Virus Tracker v3


-- up to date statistics that keep up with rapidly changing covid-19 data

Version 3.2 changelog:

  • Add Navigation Component for backdrop implementation
  • Placeholder for News Fragment (TBD)
  • Upgrade Glide and Material, use Material theme
  • API call change from page relocation

Version 3 changelog:

  • upgrade retrofit and add Kotlin coroutines support
  • change UI and palette
  • add coroutine support for Room
  • scope coroutines to ViewModel lifecycle with a Job
  • add Material backdrop w menu
  • basic handle landscape xml

Version 2 changelog:

  • fixed data scrape for change in page
  • flatten UI
  • inject BoundayCallback into repository
  • check network to prevent unnecessary wake up for radio
  • add network status icon

Androidx, ICS(15) to Android10, latest best practices @ google

MVVM pattern with Paging, LiveData and Room, and Repository pattern are used to page in scraped data for the UI and also back-fill from the network as the user reaches the end of the list or LiveData detects a change. Covid data is as up to date as possible, but may change suddenly. Swipe to refresh is available on the toolbar to get the very latest.

Room uses a DataSource.Factory as a positional data source and the Paging Boundary Callback API to get notified when the Paging library consumes the available local data. NetworkState implementation keeps track of network status.

Cached content is always available on the device and the user will still have a good experience even if the network is slow / unavailable ---> OFFLINE_MODE! Glide caches images as long as they are initially loaded.
