
Connect Playground - easy way to fill in your account with production-like objects

Primary LanguagePython

Just set of scripts to initialise accpunt with production-like data:

A - Basic Distributor Account Initialization


  • Distributor Account Token


  • Create 2 Hubs with API type
    • Production
    • Staging
  • Create 2 Marketplaces with Icons, descriptions, currencies and price list attributes activated
    • United States
    • Germany
  • Link Hubs with Marketplaces for Staging and Production environments
  • Create Program Agreement
  • Create Distribution Agreement for each Marketplace in the scope of the Program Agreement from the previous step


  • Hub IDs
  • Marketplace IDs
  • Program Agreement ID
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ccli play
Reading scripts library from /home/user/scripts
Usage: ccli play [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  all                       Initialize everything that possible.
  init-distributor-account  Initialize distributor account.
  vendor-account-creation   Create program contract, create vendor account.
$ ccli play init-distributor-account --help
Reading scripts library from /home/user/scripts
Usage: ccli play init-distributor-account [OPTIONS]

  --distributor_account_token TEXT
                                  Distributor account token
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

$ ccli play init-distributor-account
Reading scripts library from /home/user/scripts
--- Init Distributor Account ---
Hub created: HB-5446-4577 "Playground Hub 44566 - Staging"
Hub created: HB-7859-9984 "Playground Hub 63412 - Production"
Hub Marketplace: MP-18375 "Playground Marketplace 44566" for HB-5446-4577
Hub Marketplace: MP-59882 "Playground Marketplace 63412" for HB-7859-9984
Created Program Agreement AGP-777-708-207 Playground Program Agreement 5366
Created Distribution Agreement AGD-887-501-260 Distribution Playground Program Agreement 5366 for MP-18375
Created Distribution Agreement AGD-554-900-752 Distribution Playground Program Agreement 5366 for MP-59882
Saving context into context.json
    "hubs": [
    "marketplaces": [
    "program_agreement_id": "AGP-777-708-207",
    "distribution_agreements": [

B - Vendor Account Creation


  • Distributor Account Token
  • Program Agreement ID


  • Create Program Contract based on the Input


  • Program Contract ID
  • Vendor Account ID
  • Vendor Account Token
$ ccli play vendor-account-creation --help

Reading scripts library from /home/user/scripts
Usage: ccli play vendor-account-creation [OPTIONS]

  --program_agreement_id TEXT     Specify program agreement ID
  --distributor_account_token TEXT
                                  Distributor account token
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.
$ ccli play vendor-account-creation 
Loading context from context.json
--- Vendor Account Creation ---
Program Contract created: CRP-40536-98496-31778 "Contract of Playground Program Agreement 4162"
Partner created: VA-502-744 "Vendor for Playground contract 71501"
Account activation Link is https://portal.cnct.info/contracts/activate?secret=...
Vendor Account created: VA-502-744 "Vendor for Playground contract 71501"
Vendor token created: SU-903-473-071 "Playground token" - ApiKey SU-903-473-071:...
Saving context into context.json