Sweet WiFi Pineapple Tetra Builder

Sweet Pineapple Builder is a python script that automate the whole process of creating a custom WiFi Pineapple Tetra image. As the WiFi Pineapple Tetra firmware is a custom version of OpenWrt (19.07.2), it is therefore possible to create our own custom firmware tailored to any router based on the MIPS 24Kc architecture.

Full blog post for more details: https://samy.link/blog/build-your-own-wifi-pineapple-tetra-for-7

WiFi pineapple DIY Logo

Supported devices

For now the script only support the following routers:

Brand Device CPU (MHZ) Flash MB RAM MB More info
HAK5 Pineapple Tetra 580 32 + 2GB eMMC 64 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/hak5/hak5_wifi_pineapple_mark_7
Buffalo WZR450HP2 400 32 64 https://openwrt.org/toh/buffalo/wzr-450hp2
Buffalo WZR600DHP 680 32 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/buffalo/buffalo_wzr-600dhp
Buffalo WZRHPAG300H 680 32 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/buffalo/buffalo_wzr-hp-ag300h_v1
Buffalo WZRHPG300NH 400 32 64 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/buffalo/buffalo_wzr-hp-g300nh_v1
Buffalo WZRHPG300NH2 400 32 64 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/buffalo/buffalo_wzr-hp-g300nh2_v2
Buffalo WZRHPG450H 400 32 64 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/buffalo/buffalo_wzr-hp-g450h_v1
D-Link DGL5500A1 720 16 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/d-link/d-link_dgl-5500_a1
D-Link DIR835A1 560 16 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/d-link/dir-835_a1
D-Link dir-869-a1 750 16 64 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/d-link/d-link_dir-869_a1
GL.iNet gl-ar300 560 16 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/gl.inet/gl.inet_gl-ar300
GL.iNet gl-ar300m 650 16 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/gl.inet/gl-ar300m
GL.iNet gl-ar750 650 16 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/gl.inet/gl.inet_gl-ar750
GL.iNet gl-ar750s 775 16 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/gl.inet/gl.inet_gl-ar750s
TP-Link archer-c7-v2 720 16 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/tp-link/tp-link_archer_c7_ac1750_v2.0
TP-Link archer-c7-v4 775 16 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/tp-link/tp-link_archer_c7_v4
TP-Link archer-c7-v5 750 16 128 https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/tp-link/tp-link_archer_c7_v5

PS: Let me know if you want me to add more routers.


  • Ubuntu/Debian (Tested with Ubuntu 22.04)
  • Python 3 (Tested with Python 3.10.4)
  • A router from the list above. (Make sure OpenWrt 19.07.2 has been already install on the device).


Clone this repository and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


python3 sweetPineappleBuilder.py 

Then select your router from the list and that's all.
Now, be patient for around 10 minutes to complete the download and compilation process.

WiFi pineapple DIY


To make things even simpler, I also created a docker image with the tool and all OpenWrt packages already pre-installed, ~1.4GB.
To use it, just run:

docker pull naqwada/sweetpineapplebuilder
docker run -dit naqwada/sweetpineapplebuilder sleep infinity
docker ps -a
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash
cd /home/Sweet-Pineapple-Builder
python3 sweetPineappleBuilder.py

Proof Of Concept / Tutorial

Video PoC WiFI Pineapple Tetra DIY

Still having difficulties?

Don't worry, you can find in the Releases section all the pre-compiled images!


Device Firmware Image
WZR450HP2 Download latest version
WZR600DHP Download latest version
WZRHPAG300H Download latest version
WZRHPG300NH Download latest version
WZRHPG300NH2 Download latest version
WZRHPG450H Download latest version
DGL5500A1 Download latest version
DIR835A1 Download latest version
dir-869-a1 Download latest version
gl-ar300 Download latest version
gl-ar300m Download latest version
gl-ar750 Download latest version
gl-ar750s Download latest version
archer-c7-v2 Download latest version
archer-c7-v4 Download latest version
archer-c7-v5 Download latest version


If you have difficulties to compile the image you can check out my blog post (https://samy.link/blog/build-your-own-wifi-pineapple-tetra-for-7) or create a ticket in the "issues" tab and I will try to help.