Conformity Profile Management Tools

Apply multiple profiles to multiple accounts

Use this command to combine multiple Profiles into one Master Profile and apply it to many accounts. This script requires Node.js 12.x or higher, or Docker.

Usage: npx cloudconformity/tools-profile-management apply [options]
Usage: docker run -it --rm node:12.16.3 /usr/local/bin/npx cloudconformity/tools-profile-management apply [options]

  -V, --version                                      output the version number
  -k, --api-key <API Key>                            Conformity API key
  -d, --debug                                        Enable debug logging
  -r, --region <us-west-2|ap-southeast-2|eu-west-1>  Conformity service region (default: "us-west-2")
  -e, --api-endpoint <Endpoint URL>                  Optional Conformity API endpoint (overrides region) e.g.
  -p, --profiles <Profile IDs>                       Comma-separated Profile IDs to be applied to accounts
  -a, --accounts <Account IDs>                       Comma-separated Target Account IDs
  -n, --notes <Profile Apply Notes>                  Notes to use when applying Profiles
  -m, --master-profile-id <Master Profile ID>        Optional Master Profile ID. If not set, a new Master Profile is created.
  -h, --help                                         display help for command


npx cloudconformity/tools-profile-management \
  apply \
  --api-key [REDACTED] \
  --api-endpoint \
  --accounts uruKXcw7N,wD952RJ9A,T-rxV0lnk \
  --profiles F8N3oSAp,S9JmsXT0,QTl39hZK \
  --notes "Master Profile applied"

# output:
  npx: installed 73 in 15.934s
  info: Applying 3 Profiles to 3 Accounts
  info: Loading 3 Profiles
  info: Merging Profiles
  info: Merged 3 Profiles including 529 Rule Settings to a Master Profile including 528 Rule Settings
  info: Saving Master Profile
  info: Applying Profile [id=za2zTvnQ-] to 3 Accounts
  info: Profiles were applied successfully

You can reuse the created Master Profile in subsequent commands by passing its ID in --master-profile-id ... command-line argument, or from Conformity web interface.