
Cloudflight Platform for Spring

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cloudflight Platform for Spring Boot

License Maven Central


The Cloudflight Platform serves as foundation for all Cloudflight custom software projects running on the JVM. This contains 3 major parts:

  • Unified Dependency Management on top of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
  • Utility Modules for cross-cutting-concerns like monitoring, JPA access, Elastic Search and much more that can (and should) be embedded into your production code

Dependency Management & Usage

The Cloudflight Platform comes with two BOM packages (bill-of-materials) that provide dependency management for all platform artifacts as well as third party libraries, one of them for application code, the other one for test-code.

You can utilize Gradle's dependency management and add both BOMs as platform-dependencies to your root project:

dependencies {
    api platform("io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-bom:$cloudflightPlatformVersion")
    testImplementation platform("io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-test-bom:$cloudflightPlatformVersion")

While platform-bom only provides dependency constraints, platform-bom-test also puts the following libaries to the testImplementation classpath of all submodules of your project:

That means you do not need to add them on your own. The Cloudflight Platform handles that for you.

Why exactly those? Because not only we think that those are really valuable testing libraries.

In conjunction with the AutoConfigure Gradle Plugin, you might add code like that to your root build.gradle:

subprojects { proj ->
    dependencies {
        api platform("io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-bom:$cloudflightPlatformVersion")
        annotationProcessor platform("io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-bom:$cloudflightPlatformVersion")
        if (proj.plugins.hasPlugin(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPluginWrapper)) {
            kapt platform("io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-bom:$cloudflightPlatformVersion")
        testImplementation platform("io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-test-bom:$cloudflightPlatformVersion")

By adding the platform to your gradle root file, you can add any other submodule of the platform without entering the version number:

dependencies {

Production modules

These modules are meant to be embedded into your production code, either as api/implementation or as test dependency. Find more details about the modules on the according subpages.

Each module can be added to your code like that:

dependencies {


dependencies {

Server Configuration

Whenever you have a module in your code-base that fires up a Spring Boot Server (typically modules with the suffix -server), then add the module io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-server-config to your implementation classpath.

Server module identification

It not only adds other required modules for monitoring and logging config but also provides the interface ServerModuleIdentification as a Spring Bean which can be injected to your service. It provides you:

  • the name of the server
  • the current version (as provided from the build pipeline)
  • the underyling Git Hash.

Startup time analysis

When Spring Boot applications get bigger, startup time often decreases. In order to have more insights on what is going on, the module platform-server-config comes with a utility which prints a detailled analysis of all startup phases of your ApplicationContext.

To enable that, you need to do two things:

  1. Set the logger io.cloudflight.platform.spring.server.ApplicationStartupPrinter to TRACE
  2. Set a BufferingApplicationStartup to your SpringBootApplication as described in the official docs.
public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(MySpringConfiguration.class);
    app.setApplicationStartup(new BufferingApplicationStartup(2048));

The log itself gets quite huge and broad and would not fit into this documentation, but if you're interested, just try it out.

If you are running integration tests with @SpringBootTest, you don't need to set this bean manually. All you need to do is to ensure you have platform-test on your classpath.


The module io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-context provides the object ApplicationContextProfiles which comes with constants for our default Spring profile names that will be put into the environment.

The profile names to be used then (also in application.yaml files) are the following:

Profile name Description
development to be used for local development inside the IDE
staging staging environment
production production environment
test default profile to be used in Spring Application tests
testcontainer To be used in test cases when using TestContainers, those tests run reasonabily slower and it should be possible to not run them explicitely

Whenever you are accessing one of those profile names from within the code (i.e. in a @Profile annotation), use the according contstant in ApplicationContextProfiles. Application configuration files need to be suffixed with the strings mentioned above (i.e. application-development.yaml).

Monitoring Config

Monitoring via Spring Boot Actuator and Prometheus will be activated automatically with the module io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-monitoring (which comes together with platform-server-config as mentioned above).

Important thing to know here is that it automatically sets the port to listen for actuator requests to server.port + 10000. That means, if your server is running on port 8080, you will find the actuator endpoints on 18080. We are doing this to provide a clean and easy-to-manage security concept for these endpoints in production as we can simply restrict accessing this port from outside and don't need to deal with Spring Security in parallel.

Logging Config

The module io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-logging-server-config (which is also being transitively loaded with) platform-server-config comes with a basic configuration for Logback, especially also preparing our logging mechanism for the usage of the ELK stack on production.

Use this file as reference in your logback-spring.xml files as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <include resource="io/cloudflight/platform/spring/logging/clf-base.xml" />

  <logger name="io.cloudflight" level="INFO"/>

  <root level="WARN"/>



The module platform-logging wraps Slf4J and Kotlin Logging and also provides some annotations for more convenient access for MDC values. MDC gives you the possibility to append structured information to your log output which you can then easily filter and search in Kibana, see this blog entry for more information.


While this is a great thing, coding is a bit verbose as you need to manually take care to clear the MDC context after your method call. The code example from the above linked blog entry is not fully correct, as you also need to catch exceptions properly and clean up in a finally block. That means, the correct usage would be (here now in kotlin code):

fun sayHello(name: String) {
    try {
        MDC.put("name", name)
        LOG.info("We are calling hello now")
    } finally {

With platform-spring-logging, you get the annotation io.cloudflight.platform.logging.annotation.LogParam which you can append on method parameters. The following code does exactly the same:

fun sayHello(@LogParam name: String) {
    LOG.info("We are calling hello now")

⚠️ We are using Spring AOP here, that means this only works for public methods of Spring beans (like any other Spring-related annotation like @Transactional).

The annotation @LogParam can also be customized and chained, here are some examples:

class MySpringBean {

    fun sayHello(@LogParam name: String) {
        // calls MDC.put("name", name)

    fun sayHelloWithNamedParameter(@LogParam(name = "myName") name: String) {
        // calls MDC.put("myName", name)

    fun sayHelloWithField(@LogParam(field = "firstName") person: Person) {
        // calls MDC.put("person.firstName", person.firstName)

    fun sayHelloWithFieldAndName(@LogParam(field = "firstName", name = "myFirstName") person: Person) {
        // calls MDC.put("myFirstName", person.firstName)

    fun sayHelloWithMultipleFieldNames(
            LogParam(field = "firstName"),
            LogParam(field = "lastName")
        ) person: Person
    ) {
        // calls MDC.put("person.firstName", person.firstName) and
        // calls MDC.put("person.lastName", person.lastName)

    data class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String)

Please note that the underyling io.cloudflight.platform.logging.interceptor.LogParamInterceptor also takes care of cleaning up the MDC context again after the method call.


If you cannot use @LogParam for some reason platform-spring-logging provides an additional convenient option.

The global function mdcScope keeps track of all fields MDC manipulations done in the passed lambda and cleans up for you afterwards.

fun sayHello(name: String) {
    mdcScope {
        MDC.put("name", name)
        MDC.put("name" to name) // this is equivalent to the line above
        LOG.info("We are calling hello now")

If you need the mdcScope to cover your whole function you can also use it as a single-expression function:

fun sayHello(name: String) = mdcScope {
    MDC.put("name", name)
    MDC.put("name" to name) // this is equivalent to the line above
    LOG.info("We are calling hello now")

Please note that the MDC available inside the mdcScope-functions scope is not org.slf4j.MDC but a wrapper build around it.


The module platform-spring-jpa wraps all required libraries in order to access a relational database with JPA/Hibernate and Spring Data, especially Spring's spring-data-jpa and Spring Boot's spring-boot-starter-data-jpa.

It also automatically applies @EnableTransactionManagement.

QueryDSL Support

If you want to use Query DSL, then platform-spring-jpa autoconfigures a JPQLQueryFactory which you can use to create QueryDSL queries. Anyways, you need to add QueryDSL to your classpath manually (it does not come by automatically), and also do not forget to apply the annotation processor.

If you are using Kotlin entities (which is our preferred way), then your build.gradle should look somehow like that:

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-jpa'
    implementation 'com.querydsl:querydsl-jpa::jakarta'

    kapt 'com.querydsl:querydsl-apt::jpa'
    kapt 'io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-jpa'

Then, in order to use QueryDSL, create a custom repository and inject the JPQLQueryFactory:

interface ArtifactRepository : JpaRepository<Artifact, Long>, QueryDslArtifactRepository {  // <1>
    fun findArtifactByProjectAndName(project: Project, name: String): Artifact?

interface QueryDslArtifactRepository {                                                      // <2>
    fun findAllByGroupId(groupId: String): List<ArtifactListDto>

class QueryDslArtifactRepositoryImpl(                                                       // <3>
    private val queryFactory: JPQLQueryFactory                                              // <4>
) : QueryDslArtifactRepository {

    private val a = QArtifact.artifact

    override fun findAllByGroupId(groupId: String): List<ArtifactListDto> {
        return queryFactory.select(QArtifactListDto(a.name, a.packaging))                   // <5>
  1. Your default JpaRepository which extends from your custom repository interface
  2. Your custom repository interface with all methods that you want to query with QueryDSL
  3. Implementation of your custom repository
  4. Inject JPQLQueryFactory
  5. Use the JPQLQueryFactory to create your query instances


The module platform-spring-caching autoconfigures Redis Caches + Sessions for you. This happens automatically if it can find Redis on the classpath. You can do this with

dependencies {
    // for sessions

The CachingAutoConfiguration then registers a CacheErrorHandler that evicts keys when they can't be serialized. It also creates a default RedisCacheConfiguration that supports cache properties like timeToLive, keyPrefix and isUseKeyPrefix. It will create a default RedisTemplate with a JSON de/serializer if it cannot find a RedisTemplate.

Session Handling

If you have the spring-session-core and spring-session-data-redis dependencies on the classpath of your WebApplication, the SessionAutoConfiguration will automatically configure a RedisSessionRepository for you if you haven't already defined one. In the same manner it will create a SafeRedisSessionSerializer that warns you of non-deserializable sessions.

NOTE: The property spring.session.store-type was removed in Spring Boot 3, and so we have removed it as well. The SessionRepository is identified by the presence of dependencies on the classpath in the following order:

  1. Redis (Our implementation)
  2. JDBC (from Spring Boot)
  3. Hazelcast (from Spring Boot)
  4. Mongo (from Spring Boot)
  5. If none of the above are available, no SessionRepository is configured.


The module platform-spring-scheduling integrates Shedlock with Spring-Boot by adding net.javacrumbs.shedlock:shedlock-provider-redis-spring to the classpath for distributed locking using Redis.

That means, if you have platform-spring-scheduling on the classpath, you can automatically use @Scheduled annotations along with the @SchedulerLock annotation from Shedlock.

Additionally, if no RedisConnection bean is available, the module automatically creates a io.cloudflight.platform.spring.scheduling.lock.NoopLockProvider for you. This way, you can use @SchedulerLock also in your tests without the need to have a Redis instance running.

Internationalization (I18n)

The module platform-spring-i18n provides some additional utility services around Spring's i18n support:

  • Tracking available locales
  • Defining a default locale on the server

Add the module to your server build.gradle like that:

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-i18n'

Add configuration to your application.yaml

      - GERMAN
    default: GERMAN

    basename: classpath:/messages

Inject the spring bean io.cloudflight.platform.i18n.I18nService to query all available and the default locale on the backend.

Implement the interface io.cloudflight.platform.i18n.LocaleAccess in any of your beans to get the the locale of the current thread.

If you want to handle exposing i18n keys to the frontend in some custom way, use the ListResourceBundleMessageSource bean directly and disable automatic exposure of all the message-properties via /api/i18n with this configuration:

      enabled: false


The module platform-spring-validation gives you client-side support for validating user input, triggered by validations on the server, and it plays well together with platform-spring-i18n.

Form-validations on client-side are insecure (no-one prevents an arbitrary client to bypass those validations), but on the other hand web clients (like Angular) cannot easily deal with Spring's Backend Validation Support.

This module builds the bridge between Spring's BindException and DTOs which can be serialized as JSON and being used on the client to display those validations.

All you need to do is to embed the module platform-spring-validation, the PlatformValidationAutoConfiguration will automatically create beans to transform all instances of BindException or MethodArgumentNotValidException to ErrorResponse instances which look like the following:

data class ErrorResponse(
    val fieldMessages: List<FieldMessageDto> = emptyList(),
    val globalMessages: List<GlobalMessageDto> = emptyList()

Behind the scenes, Spring's I18n support around MessageSource is being utilized to transform technical error codes into human-readable and localized strings. Simply create messages_[lang].properties files on the backend

You can also use Springs JSR303 Validation Support with the according annotations @Valid, @NotNull and so on, as well as on DTOs and on entities.



Test modules

The Cloudflight Platform also provides some modules that help you create Unit or Integration Tests.

As described in the section dependency management, the platform dependency platform-spring-test-bom automatically adds JUnit5, AssertJ and MockK to your testImplementation configuration.

While those modules are handsome in each module and can be used everywhere, there exist additional test modules within the Cloudflight platform for more sophisticated tests (mostly for the server modules):

Performance-Profiling JUnit5 tests

When projects get bigger, very often also the test cases get more complex (especially intergration tests) which often has negative impact on the compile/build performance.

In order to have more transparency of how long your tests, the module platform-spring-test adds some profiling support on different levels:

Spring Context

First thing is that we automatically register a BufferingApplicationStartup bean to your test case in order to be able to gain insights of the performance of your ApplicationContext when it starts up. Under the hood it uses the same mechanism as described in "Startup time analysis", that means in order to see the logs, you need to set the logger io.cloudflight.platform.server.ApplicationStartupPrinter to TRACE in your logback-test.xml.

Test-Support for Spring Boot server applications

This module transitively gives you support to test Spring and Spring Boot applications (spring-test and spring-boot-starter-test), that means you can automatically use @SpringBootTest in your integration tests.

Include the module platform-spring-test as follows in your server module:

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-test'

WARNING: Instances of @SpringBootTest are costly during execution. If possible, write plain unit tests in your service modules, and use Spring Boot container tests only in your server modules.

Client-side testing of Spring Boot applications

Running a @SpringBootTest is costly, and it should only be used in your Server-Module in order to reduce test execution time. Anyways, you might then also use our support to test your APIs via the network, that means starting up your whole server, dynamically creating a client based on your API interfaces, and then executing HTTP requests. That way you are also testing your Spring WebMVC annotations without any mocking infrastructure.

Use the class FeignTestClientFactory in connection with LocalServerPort as shown in this snippet:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)     // <1>
class FeignTestClientFactoryTest(
    @Autowired @LocalServerPort private val port: Int                           // <2>
) {

    private val helloApi =
        FeignTestClientFactory.createClientApi(HelloWorldApi::class.java, port) // <3>

    fun helloWorld() {

// All subsequent classes usually come from the application itself, you don't need
// them in your test classes. We just want to give an impression here of what we are
// testing here

class TestApplication                                                           // <4>

interface HelloWorldApi {                                                       // <5>

    fun helloWorld(@RequestParam("name") name: String): HelloWorldDto

data class HelloWorldDto(val name: String, val time: LocalDateTime)

class HelloWorldController : HelloWorldApi {                                    // <6>
    override fun helloWorld(name: String): HelloWorldDto {
        return HelloWorldDto(name, LocalDateTime.now())
  1. It's important to have SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT here as webEnvironment
  2. Inject the @LocalServerPort as variable into your test case, it will have the value of of the random port of your server
  3. Create a client using the FeignTestClientFactory by passing exactly that port. You may also inject your own ApplicationContext here in order to add HTTP interceptors or similar.
  4. Your application classes, usually from your Server-Module
  5. Any API from your -api-module
  6. The server implementation of your API


Additionally, the module platform-spring-test comes with the great library QuickPerf. QuickPerf is a testing library for Java to quickly evaluate and improve some performance-related properties. The QuickPerf extension is being registered by platform-spring-test, so you don't need to add @QuickPerfTest on your test classes.

Test-Support for JPA

The module platform-spring-test-jpa leverages QuickPerf support by also adding support to profile SQL queries.

That way, you can write test methods like that:

fun getArtifact() {
    repositoryService.getArtifact("foo", "bar")

This test class will fail if the number of SQL queries being made within the body of that method is not equal to 1. Have a look at the QuickPerf website for all available annotations including configuration support.

Test-Support for Testcontainers

Embed the module platform-spring-test-testcontainers to get support for Testcontainers via the the embedded Support of Spring Boot 3.1.

You might also have a look at the latest documentation from Spring Boot on Testcontainers Support.

MariaDB via Testcontainers

Here is an example how to use the MariaDB testcontainer within your @SpringBootTest. First, add the dependency to platform-spring-test-testcontainers along with org.testcontainers:mariadb:

dependencies {

Your test case then is as easy as to just use the test profile and start a @SpringBootTest:

class ServerIntegrationTest(
@Autowired private val personService: PersonService
) {

    companion object {
        val mariaDb = MariaDBContainer("mariadb:10.3.6")

    fun listPersons() {
        // your test comes here

The underlying libraries have automatically created a MariaDB instance for you in an own container. Use Flyway or Liquibase to initialize your database just as in production.

BDD Support

The module io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-test-bdd pulls the required libraries of JGiven to our classpath. It automatically registers the JGivenExtension on all test JUnit5 test cases, so you don't need to add something like @ExtendsWith(JGivenExtension.class) to your test cases.

Have a look at the excellent JGiven documentation how to use the full strength of those tests. This module also ships a Kotlin extension for JGiven for better JGiven support in Kotlin.

ArchUnit Support

The module io.cloudflight.platform.spring:platform-spring-test-archunit embeds embeds the ArchUnit CleanCode Verifier and provides an AbstractCleanCodeTest that you can use as follows:

import com.tngtech.archunit.core.importer.ImportOption.DoNotIncludeTests
import com.tngtech.archunit.junit.AnalyzeClasses
import io.cloudflight.platform.spring.test.archunit.AbstractCleanCodeTest

@AnalyzeClasses(packagesOf = [ArchitectureTest::class], importOptions = [DoNotIncludeTests::class])
class ArchitectureTest : AbstractCleanCodeTest() {
    // your ArchUnit tests go here

It embeds all CleanCodeRuleSets from the ArchUnit CleanCode Verifier. Have a look at the documentation in that subproject.

We recommend to put that test into the root package of the module in your repository which imports all other modules (typically a -server-module). This way, your whole source code is being analyzed