bosh-init is a tool used to create and update the Director VM
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bosh director deploy on OpenStack failed with an error :Waiting for instance 'bosh/0' to be running... Failed
#132 opened by mllives - 3
Bosh director deployment issue with Vsphere and Centos
#130 opened by Velann - 4
CPI 'create_stemcell' method responded with error
#125 opened by shivamvarma - 6
Possible to use variables in bosh-init yml
#69 opened by mattcui - 1
DirectorJobRunner: execution expired
#129 opened by gln-gln - 2
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Error filling in template 'director.yml.erb.erb' (line 518: Could not find cloud plugin)
#126 opened by gln-gln - 3
Timed out pinging to the VMs after 600 seconds
#124 opened by jacko1118 - 11
Issue while bosh-init on AWS
#123 opened by Senthilannaswamy - 5
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bosh-init deploy fails when using OpenStack for VMs
#121 opened by sxd - 3
Include Binaries in Github Release
#115 opened by johnlonganecker - 0
permalinks or homebrew, please
#119 opened by shalako - 0
bosh-init fails for long home directories
#117 opened by wayneeseguin - 5
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Enable bosh-init Tags Feature
#116 opened by mhottinger1 - 3
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Failure when compiling packages named the same, with the same package/blob checksums, from two releases
#114 opened by geofffranks - 7
bosh-init deploy loses contact with the director during compilation [macOS Sierra]
#112 opened by dsharp-pivotal - 0
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Deployment stops at `Rendering job templates...`
#107 opened by jhiemer - 3
Failed: No such file or directory - /var/vcap/jobs/powerdns/bin/powerdns_ctl
#109 opened by chrisrana - 1
bosh vms --dns return two dns name for a vm
#108 opened by chrisrana - 5
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bosh2 events returns 0 events - what should it return?
#104 opened by drnic - 4
bosh-init fails behind a firewall / proxy
#90 opened by ftcjeff - 1
`bosh delete-stemcell` should error-out when passed the "OS/Version" instead of the "Name/Version"
#95 opened by cunnie - 1
`bosh export-release` requires -d <deployment>
#99 opened by voelzmo - 3
How to run integration tests?
#88 opened by philippthun - 3
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bosh-init uses template name as job name
#87 opened by mtekel - 2
Bosh-init registry server fail
#86 opened by mrageh - 2
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Allow cpi to use different TMPDIR
#81 opened by lnguyen - 3
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v0.0.90 bosh-init deploy fails
#78 opened by xchapter7x - 5
Implement bosh v2 template accessors
#76 opened by keymon - 2
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Errors while trying to run multiple instances of bosh-init in parallel on the same machine
#75 opened by zankich - 3
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