
A Dropbox containing Vagrant boxes for Cloud Foundry

Primary LanguageRuby

Vagrant boxes for Cloud Foundry

If you are developing Cloud Foundry and want some useful Vagrant boxes to get you started, then you need look no further than the following Dropbox:

Currently only virtualbox boxes are being shared.



The dea_ng project l there is a Vagrant box at ~/boxes/ci_with_warden_prereqs.box.


  1. Download the latest warden-ubuntu-*.box box from the Dropbox page above and save as ~/boxes/ci_with_warden_prereqs.box
  2. Add the entire Dropbox to your own Dropbox and run the rake task. See Shared Dropbox section below.

Then launch the vagrant box from within the project folder:

$ vagrant up


The cf-vagrant-installer project will not look for a local Vagrant box, as dea_ng above does. You need to edit the existing Vagrantfile with the following changes:

config.vm.box = "cf-install"
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v, override|
  override.vm.box_url = "~/boxes/cf-install-virtualbox.box"
  v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "2048"]

Then launch the vagrant box from within the project folder:

$ vagrant up

Shared Dropbox

You can either download the specific box that you need into ~/boxes, or you can Share the Dropbox with yourself and have the boxes constantly updated as they change.

Visit Cloud Foundry Boxes and click "Downloads" and then "Add to my Dropbox" as below.

To add symlinks into ~/boxes you simply run the default rake task within the Dropbox:

$ cd ~/Dropbox/Cloud\ Foundry\ Boxes
$ rake

This will create symlinks within ~/boxes to the Vagrant boxes within your Dropbox:

$ ls -al ~/boxes  
... cf-install-virtualbox.box -> /Users/drnic/Dropbox/Cloud Foundry Boxes/Rakefile/cf-install-virtualbox-20130626.box
... ci_with_warden_prereqs.box -> /Users/drnic/Dropbox/Cloud Foundry Boxes/Rakefile/ci_with_warden_prereqs-20130626.box