
CF CLI Plugin for the App AutoScaler

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cloud Foundry CLI AutoScaler Plug-in Build status

App-AutoScaler plug-in provides the command line interface to manage App AutoScaler policies, retrieve metrics and scaling event history.

Install plugin

From CF-Community

cf install-plugin -r CF-Community app-autoscaler-plugin

From source code

git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/app-autoscaler-cli-plugin.git
cd app-autoscaler-cli-plugin
make install

Uninstall plugin

cf uninstall-plugin AutoScaler


Please see the development docs for how to work on this plugin.

Command List

Command Description
autoscaling-api, asa Set or view AutoScaler service API endpoint
autoscaling-policy, asp Retrieve the scaling policy of an application
attach-autoscaling-policy, aasp Attach a scaling policy to an application
detach-autoscaling-policy, dasp Detach the scaling policy from an application
autoscaling-metrics, asm Retrieve the metrics of an application
autoscaling-history, ash Retrieve the scaling history of an application

Command usage

cf autoscaling-api

Set or view AutoScaler service API endpoint. If the CF API endpoint is https://api.example.com, then typically the autoscaler API endpoint will be https://autoscaler.example.com. Check the manifest when autoscaler is deployed to get the autoscaler service API endpoint.

cf autoscaling-api [URL] [--unset] [--skip-ssl-validation]

ALIAS: asa


  • --unset: Unset the api endpoint
  • --skip-ssl-validation : Skip verification of the API endpoint. Not recommended!


  • Set AutoScaler API endpoint, replace DOMAIN with the domain of your Cloud Foundry environment:
$ cf autoscaling-api https://autoscaler.<DOMAIN>
Setting AutoScaler api endpoint to https://autoscaler.<DOMAIN>
  • View AutoScaler API endpoint:
$ cf autoscaling-api
Autoscaler api endpoint: https://autoscaler.<DOMAIN>
  • Unset AutoScaler API endpoint:

Note you will get a error prompt if the AutoScaler API endpoint is not set when you execute other commands.

$ cf autoscaling-api --unset
Unsetting AutoScaler api endpoint.

$ cf autoscaling-api
No api endpoint set. Use 'cf autoscaling-api' to set an endpoint.

$ cf autoscaling-policy APP_NAME
Error: No api endpoint set. Use 'cf autoscaling-api' to set an endpoint.

cf autoscaling-policy

Retrieve the scaling policy of an application, the policy will be displayed in JSON format.

cf autoscaling-policy APP_NAME [--output PATH_TO_FILE]

ALIAS: asp


  • --output : dump the policy to a file in JSON format


  • View scaling policy, replace APP_NAME with the name of your application:
$ cf autoscaling-policy APP_NAME

Showing policy for app APP_NAME...
	"instance_min_count": 1,
	"instance_max_count": 5,
	"scaling_rules": [
			"metric_type": "memoryused",
			"breach_duration_secs": 120,
			"threshold": 15,
			"operator": ">=",
			"cool_down_secs": 120,
			"adjustment": "+1"
			"metric_type": "memoryused",
			"breach_duration_secs": 120,
			"threshold": 10,
			"operator": "<",
			"cool_down_secs": 120,
			"adjustment": "-1"
  • Dump the scaling policy to a file in JSON format:
$ cf asp APP_NAME --output PATH_TO_FILE

Saving policy for app APP_NAME to PATH_TO_FILE...

cf attach-autoscaling-policy

Attach a scaling policy to an application, the policy file must be a JSON file, refer to policy specification for the policy format.

cf attach-autoscaling-policy APP_NAME PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE

ALIAS: aasp


$ cf attach-autoscaling-policy APP_NAME PATH_TO_POLICY_FILE

Attaching policy for app APP_NAME...

cf detach-autoscaling-policy

Detach the scaling policy from an application, the policy will be deleted when detached.

cf detach-autoscaling-policy APP_NAME

ALIAS: dasp


$ cf detach-autoscaling-policy APP_NAME

Detaching policy for app APP_NAME...

cf autoscaling-metrics

Retrieve the aggregated metrics of an application. You can specify the start/end time of the returned query result, and the display order(ascending or descending). The metrics will be shown in a table.

cf autoscaling-metrics APP_NAME METRIC_NAME [--start START_TIME] [--end END_TIME] [--asc] [--output PATH_TO_FILE]

ALIAS: asm


  • METRIC_NAME : default metrics "memoryused, memoryutil, responsetime, throughput, cpu" or customized name for your own metrics.
  • --start : start time of metrics collected with format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+/-HH:mm or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, default to very beginning if not specified.
  • --end : end time of the metrics collected with format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+/-HH:mm or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, default to current time if not speficied.
  • --asc : display in ascending order, default to descending order if not specified
  • --output : dump the metrics to a file


$ cf autoscaling-metrics APP_NAME memoryused --start 2018-12-27T11:49:00+08:00 --end 2018-12-27T11:52:20+08:00 --asc

Retriving aggregated metrics for app APP_NAME...
Metrics Name     	Value     	Timestamp
memoryused       	62MB      	2018-12-27T11:49:00+08:00
memoryused       	62MB      	2018-12-27T11:49:40+08:00
memoryused       	61MB      	2018-12-27T11:50:20+08:00
memoryused       	62MB      	2018-12-27T11:51:00+08:00
memoryused       	62MB      	2018-12-27T11:51:40+08:00
  • Metrics Name: name of the current metric item
  • Value: the value of the current metric item with unit
  • Timestamp: collect time of the current metric item

cf autoscaling-history

Retrieve the scaling event history of an application. You can specify the start/end time of the returned query result, and the display order(ascending or descending). The scaling event history will be shown in a table.

cf autoscaling-history APP_NAME [--start START_TIME] [--end END_TIME] [--asc] [--output PATH_TO_FILE]

ALIAS: ash


  • --start : start time of the scaling history with format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+/-HH:mm or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, default to very beginning if not specified.
  • --end : end time of the scaling history with format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+/-HH:mm or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, default to current time if not speficied.
  • --asc : display in ascending order, default to descending order if not specified
  • --output : dump the scaling history to a file


$ cf autoscaling-history APP_NAME --start 2018-08-16T17:58:53+08:00 --end 2018-08-16T18:01:00+08:00 --asc

Showing history for app APP_NAME...
Scaling Type     	Status        	Instance Changes     	Time                          	Action                                                        	Error
dynamic          	failed        	2->-1                	2018-08-16T17:58:53+08:00     	-1 instance(s) because throughput < 10rps for 120 seconds     	app does not have policy set
dynamic          	succeeded     	2->3                 	2018-08-16T17:59:33+08:00     	+1 instance(s) because memoryused >= 15MB for 120 seconds
scheduled        	succeeded     	3->6                 	2018-08-16T18:00:00+08:00     	3 instance(s) because limited by min instances 6
  • Scaling Type: the trigger type of the scaling action, possible scaling types: dynamic and scheduled
    • dynamic: the scaling action is triggered by a dynamic rule (memoryused, memoryutil, responsetime or throughput)
    • scheduled: the scaling action is triggered by a recurring schedule or specific date rule
  • Status: the result of the scaling action: succeeded or failed
  • Instance Changes: how the instances number get changed (e.g. 1->2 means the application was scaled out from 1 instance to 2)
  • Time: the finish time of scaling action, no mater succeeded or failed
  • Action: the detail information about why and how the application scaled
  • Error: the reason why scaling failed