
Flake in Apps Streaming Staging Log retrieval

markstokan opened this issue · 2 comments

It appears with the move to CF7 and logcache, there is no longer a guarantee of staging log delivery during cf push.

This is causing flakes in our vSphere/nimbus deployments that aren't as performant.

Summarizing 3 Failures:

[Fail] [apps] An application being staged [It] has its staging log streamed during a push 

[Fail] [apps] An application being staged [It] has its staging log streamed during a push 

[Fail] [apps] An application being staged [It] has its staging log streamed during a push 

We can retrieve the staging logs after the push with cf logs, we just need more time.

This issue is similar to the one reported here and fixed here .

Slack thread:

@markstokan is this still an issue or was it resolved with #505?

I haven't seen failing CATS due to this issue for quite a while so I'm happy to close this issue.