This library arose during the development of Backup & Restore for the Blueprint-Service as part of the Service Fabrik‘s Backup & Restore offering. It can be used for two IaaS providers, Amazon Web Services and OpenStack, as it abstracts some basic functionalities, like volume creation/deletion/attaching/detaching, by implementing provider-specific clients.
However, for local development also a BOSH-Lite Client is provided which allows speeding up the development process before actually testing the scripts on real infrastructure providers. Service teams may like to use the library to avoid implementing the same features from scratch during their service-specific Backup & Restore development.
The following features are exposed:
- Abstraction of the underlying IaaS provider
- Implicit waiting for operations to be finished before further processing
- Implicit retry logic to catch briefly occurring infrastructure problems
- Reliable clean-up of created resources to avoid orphans (in case of errors)
- Proper exception handling in case of errors
- Enabling easy and transparent backup & restore implementations
You need to have Python3 as well as pip3 installed. pip3 is used for the installation of the library’s dependencies. Please find further details on links given.
Assuming, your working directory is ~/workspace/my_service:
Most likely your working directory is already a git repository so that you may want to add this repository as submodule:
$ cd ~/workspace/my_service
$ git submodule add service_fabrik_backup_restore
Otherwise, just clone this repository (assuming your working directory is ~/workspace/my_service:
$ cd ~/workspace/my_service
$ git clone service_fabrik_backup_restore
pip3 is the PyPa recommended tool for installing Python packages:
$ cd ~/workspace/my_service/service_fabrik_backup_restore
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install dev dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
We are using pytest as a unit tests framework. You can use setup tool to run tests with multiple options: --coverage or -c : Generate coverage report --capture or -p : To show stdout/stderr on console
python3 test --coverage --capture
# Or
python3 test -c -p
Or you can also use simple pytest command to do so:
python3 -m pytest --cov=lib --cov-report html -v tests/ --capture=no
Basically, you have to create a new file, e.g., and import the Backup & Restore library:
$ cd ~/workspace/my_service
$ touch
Within the, put this line at the top of the file:
from service_fabrik_backup_restore import create_iaas_client, parse_options
# your code here
Now you can start implementing the backup / restore for your service and take advantage of this library’s functionalities.
For Google cloud the script can be invoked as:
credential_json=$(cat service-account.json)
python3 \
--iaas=gcp \
--type=online \
--backup_guid=<guid> \
--instance_id=<vm-XXXX-XXXX> \
--container=<google-cloud-container> \
--job_name=<name> \
--trigger=<on-demand/scheduled> \
--credentials="$credential_json" \
--projectId=<project id> \
For Openstack the script can be invoked as:
python3 \
--iaas=openstack \
--type=online \
--backup_guid=<guid> \
--instance_id=<instance-id> \
--secret=<secret> \
--container=<container> \
--job_name=<name> \
--trigger=<on-demand/scheduled> \
--tenant_id=<tenant-id> \
--tenant_name=<tenant-name> \
--auth_url=<auth-url> \
--user_domain_name=<domain-name> \
--username=<username> \
For AWS the script can be invoked as:
python3 \
--iaas=aws \
--type=online \
--backup_guid=bkp_guid \
--instance_id=< i-0dccbdfa125b9781c> \
--secret=xxxxxxxx \
--container=<container> \
--job_name=<name> \
--trigger=<on-demand/scheduled> \
--access_key_id=<key> \
--secret_access_key=<accesskey> \
For ALI the script can be invoked as:
python3 \
--iaas=ali \
--type=online \
--backup_guid=bkp_guid \
--instance_id=< i-0dccbdfa125b9781c> \
--secret=xxxxxxxx \
--container=<container> \
--job_name=<name> \
--trigger=<on-demand/scheduled> \
--access_key_id=<key> \
--secret_access_key=<accesskey> \
--region_name=<region> \
If you need any support, have any question or have found a bug, please report it in the GitHub bug tracking system. We shall get back to you.
This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file