
Silk - CNI plugin BOSH release for Cloud Foundry

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Silk Release is the Cloud Foundry pluggable container networking solution that is used in conjunction with CF Networking Release. It provides networking via the Silk CNI plugin and enforces policy that is stored in the Policy Server.

The components in this release used to be a part of CF Networking Release. However, it is the default container networking plugin for CF Deployment. To use it, simply deploy CF Deployment.

This release contains the following jobs:

  • silk-controller
  • silk-daemon
  • silk-cni
  • silk-datastore-syncer
  • netmon
  • vxlan-policy-agent
  • iptables-logger

For more information about what these jobs do, we recommend looking at the silk repo and the CF Networking Release repo.

Developer Workflow

  • Clone CI repository (next to where this code is cloned), and make sure latest is pulled by running git pull

    mkdir -p ~/workspace
    cd ~/workspace
    git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/wg-app-platform-runtime-ci.git
  • Git - Distributed version control system

  • Go - The Go programming language

Running Tests

With Docker

Running tests for this release requires a DB flavor. The following scripts with default to mysql DB. Set DB environment variable for alternate DBs e.g. <mysql-8.0(or mysql),mysql-5.7,postgres>

  • ./scripts/create-docker-container.bash: This will create a docker container with appropriate mounts.
  • ./scripts/test-in-docker-locally.bash: Create docker container and run all tests and setup in a single script.
    • ./scripts/test-in-docker-locally.bash <package> <sub-package>: For running tests under a specific package and/or sub-package: e.g. ./scripts/test-in-docker-locally.bash iptables-logger config

When inside docker container:

  • /repo/scripts/docker/test.bash: This will run all tests in this release
  • /repo/scripts/docker/test.bash iptables-logger: This will only run iptables-logger tests
  • /repo/scripts/docker/test.bash iptables-logger config: This will only run iptables-logger sub-package tests for config package
  • /repo/scripts/docker/tests-templates.bash: This will run all of tests for bosh tempalates
  • /repo/scripts/docker/lint.bash: This will run all of linting defined for this repo.

Getting Help

For help or questions with this release or any of its submodules, you can reach the maintainers on Slack at cloudfoundry.slack.com in the #cf-for-vms-networking channel.

Known Issues

For known issues related to both silk-release and cf-networking-release you can find them here: cf-networking-release/docs/known-issues.