
Primary LanguageHTML


The code has merged both Taicon DG & SZ.


Open config/config.js and change settings as the following format to fit the right site.

  "alias": "dg",
  "host": "221.4.141.xxx",
  "map": "/optimized_dg_3.svg",
  "machine": [
      "ID": "A01",
      "MODEL": "CS-204K", 
      "IP": "192.168.10.xxx", 
      "QTY": 0,  
      "ALIVE": 0, 
      "SIZE": "xxx", 
      "TYPE": 3,
      "NOTE": "xxx", 
      "STATUS": "", 
  • alias: branch name, ex dg or sz.
  • host: the host of dashboard.
  • map: the locaton of the fatory map.
  • machine: the machine list.
    • The following field are pre-defined:
      • ID
      • MODEL
      • IP
      • SIZE
      • NOTE
      • TYPE:
        • 1: 加締
        • 2: 組立
        • 3: 老化
        • 4: 加工
        • 5: 包裝
    • The following field will check online:
      • QTY
      • ALIVE
      • STATUS

Launch the server

The site will launch as dev mode by defult, but you can switch to production easily.

$ sudo NODE_ENV=production CONFIG=./config/dg.json node server.js


Code release under the MIT license.